How to find a Dr that knows


New member
Hey Guys,

I guess I've been lucky to find a dr that would prescribe me TRT, but he's not knowledgeable enough to help me with the issues I'm running into.

I've been told by others here and other places that my SHBG is to low, my estradiol is too high and more.
I hardly have the energy to get through the day, and I've been living like this for way too long.

I've got a feeling I may have thyroid issues as well, as last time those numbers were checked they were right at the bottom of the scale too.

I'm in Canada and am desperate to get the opinion of someone who specializes in this stuff and to get on track to feeling better. I can't spend another five years feeling like this.

I've gotten a referral to an endocrinologist, since they are supposed to be specialized in hormones I am hoping that he'll be able to help but I'm running out of optimism.

Thanks for any advice

My family dr is of the mindset that if labs are within the range of the laboratory then they must be ok.
However I read today that labs ranges aren't based on any research or anything, but merely a bell curve of the results they've gotten from all patients.

Hey Guys,

I guess I've been lucky to find a dr that would prescribe me TRT, but he's not knowledgeable enough to help me with the issues I'm running into.

I've been told by others here and other places that my SHBG is to low, my estradiol is too high and more.
I hardly have the energy to get through the day, and I've been living like this for way too long.

I've got a feeling I may have thyroid issues as well, as last time those numbers were checked they were right at the bottom of the scale too.

I'm in Canada and am desperate to get the opinion of someone who specializes in this stuff and to get on track to feeling better. I can't spend another five years feeling like this.

I've gotten a referral to an endocrinologist, since they are supposed to be specialized in hormones I am hoping that he'll be able to help but I'm running out of optimism.

Thanks for any advice

My family dr is of the mindset that if labs are within the range of the laboratory then they must be ok.
However I read today that labs ranges aren't based on any research or anything, but merely a bell curve of the results they've gotten from all patients.


These ranges include those sick with low T and poor lifestyle choices, doctors that ignore symptoms and fixate on labs are inexperienced. This is why they go based solely off labs, if they had any real knowledge they would be able to better diagnose low T.
If you have labs click on a sponsor. I use IncreasemyT. I pay a higher price compared to some local "wellness" clinics and asked my consultant why I would pay more and showed him their program. . . . Be an informed consumer . . .There weren't enough pins in the package, no sharps container, no hCG and PHARMACY/actually prescription filler your test, hCG comes from. The wellness clinic couldn't even give me an answer. Their "consultant" was supposed to call me back but didnt. I did get an email a week later asking if I wanted to start their program tho. Haha

I don't know if it's against the rules to post but I've googled the name on my package and they are legit. Mentioned on several boards and even TRT patients asking who they were because it wasn't their usual pharmacy. People quickly said they were legit and maintained federal regulations and such. The doctor and the "drug maker" are two different things.

Regardless of choice a sponsor should be relatively safe. Board members will quickly point oit a Ripoff.
This was the first guy I would contact, but first off I. Not sure if they deal with Canadian patients and second their website says they aren't taking any new ones.

I believe he's. on this board though I may try sending him a message and seeing about the possibility of a consult to help me get some direction with my protocol, and possibe thyroid issues etc.

I have a dr who's ok with prescribing as long as its logical and I can show him the info. I just don't have access to someone who specializes in helping people get their screwed up hormones in order.

Seems like forever trying to get anywhere. I finally got a call for my referral to an endocrinologist, but that's not until February and I'd like to get on the right path asap.
If you have a doctor that will prescribe it and listen then stay with him. Follow dose recommendations and get all the labs pulled people ask for here.

If you provide the labs, follow the dose recommendations and the doctor keeps it coming you will learn and do fine. It isn't prescribe "x" amount of stuff and it's perfect. It takes dose adjustments taking at least 8-9 months I would say. A year to know.
3 month labs to check for problems.
6 month labs to see about and adjust dose.
3-6 months to check and possibly adjust.
Then check ups. I'm not that far. Maybe every 9 months. Once a year. Depends on your labs and if you are high/low on things.
I'd love to do it this way, but my main concern at the moment is that I could have a thyroid issue, and need to have that addressed first I think.

That and my labs are Canadian so some of the units are different and can cause confusion.

I've followed some advice and switched to daily pins to hopefully get better results due to very low SHBG

It's been a couple weeks and I've been feeling a bit more energy but still nowhere near where I should be.

I've got an appointment with an endocrinologist in February, sucks to have to wait that long but hopefully he'll be willing to chase down some answers.

I'll get another full round of labs in a couple weeks and see where everything is at.

Will post them here and see what I can learn until then.

If you get the labs the experienced guy here WILL be able to read them!!!! Fo Sho!!! Glad you've gotten some improvements!!! Add thyroid levels to your labs for sure.
Thanks Brotha, I appreciate the knowledge and support. Tough thing to try and figure out on your own.

I've been thinking lately after seeing those labs and taking a step back and looking at my life and how I've felt for the past couple years I am almost positive my thyroid is underperforming.

My symptons literally all fit under thyroid issues..
Exhaustion, weird sweating, no appetite, no energy, depression, digestive issues / constipation.
Even had a phase where if I had 2-3 drinks I'd feel like I was getting a brutal flu... Sure enough I looked it up. Alcohol intolerance is part of it too

That and my mother has hypothyroidism as well.
Trouble is fucking docs here all go by labs. And even if you're at the very bottom of the range they say your good to go and normal...

Hoping I can find someone who actually cared enough to follow the symptoms as well as the labs..

Will post some new ones in a couple weeks.

Oh yeah. I did confirm my estradiol levels were measured in a different system ie nmol/L vs PG/l
And they are almost ideal. Doesn't feel like it but apparently it is.

Doc b henry is also a knowledgable guy, cheap and effective, from hcg through deca, var, test c, can't go wrong with his prices and he is there on a 1 on 1 to advice.
Seriously he has charector and he walks the talk..