Recent content by bippal

  1. bippal

    Clicked – Transforming my body the 3J way

    Carb cycling works, as the expert stated. It's especially nice for recomp and keeping or gaining muscle while on a deficit. Don't be a dick.
  2. bippal

    Hello new to the site and WOW

    Lost 70lbs with 3j, and got bigger in the right places. Good investment IMO.
  3. bippal

    Cutting fat while bulking

    Tren, and diet. Go with a 3j can cycling program, throw in some test and tren, lose fat gain lbm and have a rocking hard on the entire time.
  4. bippal

    500mg VS. 750mg

    If you felt you ha too much water you must not have kept Estro in check. Tren can kill some people's cardio but has yet to do so to me personally. I'm trying low dose test w my tren and mast this time , last time was 500 and it was like liquid sex w the tren
  5. bippal

    Question about test p

    Test suspension, te prop and e wont make a difference for that, especially in that short of time.
  6. bippal

    feel free to rip me apart on this

    How did your gains plateu at week six? That's just when you should start seeing them..
  7. bippal

    Oral Trenbolone acetate 25mg caps!

    Man up and pin your tren. It's fantastic as is why fuck with it?
  8. bippal

    3j Nutritional services review and results thusfar

    268 since carb cycling, with zero bf increase. An easy diet I follow as well, I'd recommend it for anyone
  9. bippal

    Legit Starke Pharma Gear????

    Yup his website is legit as shit
  10. bippal

    Finaplix - H online

    Old thread is old
  11. bippal

    Ronnie Coleman at work

    Tren sweats
  12. bippal

    How bout this ugly idiot lol

    Post more wife pics bullseye lol
  13. bippal

    questions 4 the tren guys

    Way to bump a thread on its one year anniversary.
  14. bippal

    Best Squat alternative

    Zercher squats.
  15. bippal

    Test-C and Boldenone I got it for my first cycle

    I wish people would quit saying they performed months an months of research when they always wanna throw in more than just test. Dude, get another bottle I test and run it 12 weeks. And You don't wan just bold. Test is the only one you wan to run by itself ever.