Recent content by Birdhouse

  1. B

    Starting Testosterone replacement therapy soon.

    I have a meeting with the actual doctor tomorrow. I spoke with the nurse yesterday and he went over the blood work I had done personally. Whichever the one is where the testicles aren't producing the testosterone. He said I have a strong pituitary signal. This particular clinic prescribes...
  2. B

    Starting Testosterone replacement therapy soon.

    I have an appointment at an anti aging clinic tomorrow and will probably start TRT soon. Just out of curiosity, how soon did you start noticing changes physically/mentally after starting TRT? I know everybody's body acts and responds differently, I was just wondering. My test levels last week...
  3. B

    Estimate your BF based on these pics.

    After seeing this, I'm thinking I'm closer to 23-24. Makes me feel a little better. Lol
  4. B

    Pre cycle blood surprise.

    It may also be worth mentioning that I've been eating at maintenance levels for the past 3 weeks.
  5. B

    Pre cycle blood surprise.

    Ok, I'll give that a shot. I don't really have any other characteristics of low testosterone except for those I listed, so it caught me a bit off guard. I'll guess I'll just hold on to this Test I have right now then.
  6. B

    Pre cycle blood surprise.

    I was at a 500 caloric deficit for 2 months this last attempt and dropped 7 pounds. This was with intense powerlifting style hour and a half training sessions 5 days a week with 20 minutes of cardio atleast 3 days a week. Blood was taken about 9 in the morning. Fasted for 12 hours prior as...
  7. B

    Pre cycle blood surprise.

    Thanks for the insight! I'm going to try and get an appointment set tomorrow.
  8. B

    Pre cycle blood surprise.

    I went and had my pre first cycle blood work done and got my results back today. Come to find out I actually have low test. I was wondering if I should still go through with the cycle. Serum level is at 315. Fasted for 12 hours and drank only water in that time. I was going to run 500mg Test E...