Pre cycle blood surprise.


New member
I went and had my pre first cycle blood work done and got my results back today. Come to find out I actually have low test. I was wondering if I should still go through with the cycle. Serum level is at 315. Fasted for 12 hours and drank only water in that time.

I was going to run 500mg Test E for 10 weeks, while having AI's and PCT on hand. Current stats. 29 years old, 278 pounds, been lifting for about 3 years. Lost 75 pounds in the beginning and have been holding steady at current weight for about a year and a half. I've always noticed it was difficult for me to lose anymore weight, but I just assumed it was me just not putting in enough work. I would assume I'm somewhere around 23-25% body fat. Fairly active, train 5-6 days a week at about 1.5-2 hours a day with 15-30 minutes of cardio 3-4 days a week. I track macros, and even when counting, I still would have a hard time losing.

Anyways, just looking for some advice. Any help/advice would be appreciated.
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If you're going to run a cycle with levels that'd better have a backup plan for if/when your pct fails and you end up lower than when you started. TRT is certainly in your future. I'd 100% get your situation looked at and figure out what needs to be done before you dive into a cycle.
Especially considering your BF %. Really not ideal to run a cycle when you have low T. Get that handled with the DR first, then come back after thats dialed in. Honestly may not even be a cycle in your immediate future.
Are you still in a caloric deficit? If so how long have you been in one for and how much of a deficit?

What time of the day was your blood work taken?
I was at a 500 caloric deficit for 2 months this last attempt and dropped 7 pounds. This was with intense powerlifting style hour and a half training sessions 5 days a week with 20 minutes of cardio atleast 3 days a week.

Blood was taken about 9 in the morning. Fasted for 12 hours prior as well.

I have attempted dieting several times in the past 2 years with very minimal results. The biggest issues I am experiencing is excess fat deposits in my chest and abdominal region. I'm fairly lean on my limbs. Lifts were improving at a decent rate, but chest gains were always extremely slow. That's what prompted my blood test to be taken.

I can post my blood test results if they would be useful.
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I was at a 500 caloric deficit for 2 months this last attempt and dropped 7 pounds. This was with intense powerlifting style hour and a half training sessions 5 days a week with 20 minutes of cardio atleast 3 days a week.


I think we now know why your Test levels are low. This coupled with your high body fat %. Why don't you try eating at maintenance levels for a month and recheck your blood work. This will help get your thyroid and testosterone back up and running.

The intense weight lifting may be a little counterproductive too. Unless you are a noob, you aren't really going to build muscle when in a caloric deficit and Natty.
Ok, I'll give that a shot. I don't really have any other characteristics of low testosterone except for those I listed, so it caught me a bit off guard. I'll guess I'll just hold on to this Test I have right now then.