Starting Testosterone replacement therapy soon.


New member
I have an appointment at an anti aging clinic tomorrow and will probably start TRT soon. Just out of curiosity, how soon did you start noticing changes physically/mentally after starting TRT? I know everybody's body acts and responds differently, I was just wondering.

My test levels last week, Monday morning were around 315. In the first meeting yesterday, the nurse mentioned the doctor would probably keep me around 900-1000 on the high end since I'm only 29. Either way, I can't help but assume I should notice some drastic changes after starting TRT.

Pretty excited...
Give it about 3-6 weeks to start noticing differences depending on your protocol and assuming you get Test Cyp or Enanthate.

Check out the Basic TRT Overview Sticky thread at the top of this forum. That will speak about this in more detail and answer other questions you may have.

So are you Primary Or Secondary Hypogonadal?
I have a meeting with the actual doctor tomorrow. I spoke with the nurse yesterday and he went over the blood work I had done personally. Whichever the one is where the testicles aren't producing the testosterone. He said I have a strong pituitary signal.

This particular clinic prescribes testosterone cypionate. I have a couple other friends that use them. There's a lack of anti aging clinics in my area.
I have a meeting with the actual doctor tomorrow. I spoke with the nurse yesterday and he went over the blood work I had done personally. Whichever the one is where the testicles aren't producing the testosterone. He said I have a strong pituitary signal.

This particular clinic prescribes testosterone cypionate. I have a couple other friends that use them. There's a lack of anti aging clinics in my area.

That means you are Primary.

Good luck tomorrow. Make sure they let you self-inject at home. Find a new doc if they don't allow that.
As far as mood you will notice a difference soon, give it a couple weeks. It takes longer for physical changes such as increasing lbm.