Recent content by BobboO

  1. BobboO

    Whats the dimer of the HGH ?

    Hello brothers, could I know whats the dimer of the HGH? And how to find out the real HGH from the dimer? Is it a number? Sorry for so many questions. But please you kindly help me.
  2. BobboO

    SARMs Heart Side Effects?

    Hello everyone, I just need to know about the heart side effects of SARMs. Is anyone here who are suffering heart diseases for SARMs?
  3. BobboO

    S4 (Andarine) Review & Stack Options

    S4 (Andarine) was one of the earliest SARMs. S-4 has been one of the more tested SARMs, but it***8217;s proven to not be quite as effective as some newer ones***8212;plus it has given some varying side effects, such as loss of nighttime vision, that other SARMs don***8217;t seem to give. But...
  4. BobboO

    LGD 4033 vs Ostarine: Which Gives Better Results?

    Do you know the difference between these two SARMs?
  5. BobboO

    What SARMs are & How SARMs work

    What are SARMs: Selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) are drugs that mimic the effects of testosterone on muscle but have fewer of its other effects. They stimulate the growth of muscle but don’t greatly affect the prostate gland, erectile function, or secondary sex characteristics such...
  6. BobboO

    What is the saftey profile of peptides for people under the age of 25?

    What is the safest dosage of MK-677 for under 25aged people?
  7. BobboO

    MK 677 and Post Cycle Therapy

    MK 677 is a very effective product especially for bulking cycles. This is why I was also in doubt whether this product needs a Post Cycle Therapy or PCT after taking MK 677. But since this product will not suppress the natural testosterone production and there is also no effect on the natural GH...
  8. BobboO

    LGD 4033 Cycle Results: Before and After

    Steroids give outstanding muscle effects but they also offer massive side effects. If you are looking for a supplement which can help you build muscles and lose fat, then LGD 4033 can help you with that. It is way safer than steroids. In fact, it provides less to zero nasty effects which made...
  9. BobboO

    Mk-677 or other peptides?

    Does MK-677 in any way shut down your natural GH production/secretion like larger then normal doses of testosterone does to your HPTA?
  10. BobboO

    Cardarine Side Effects: Will It Cause Acne or Hair Loss?

    Cardarine is popular with people who are working out and taking supplements to help or support them about this matter. There are has been a lot of works and studies made so that it can support the right usage of this thing. This drug can boost your energy and prevent from getting fat because of...
  11. BobboO

    Pregnyl for HCG: Results, Side Effects and Dosage

    It's common for bodybuilders and professionals to notice a lot of changes in the body and within the actual body system right after they finished the cycle for steroid use. And some of these changes are not associated with mass gains or any desired result. It?s important that every user...
  12. BobboO

    The Best SARMs For Cutting

    The best of SARMs: There are about 5 to 6 varieties or stacks of SARMs available in the market, but the best of those that are proven to have lower side effects and increased effectiveness is mentioned below: Andarine Ostarine Testolone With much reading and conclusions from various sources...
  13. BobboO

    Stack LGD 4033 with others

    Everyone will say that you should stack the LGD with other MRSA (andarine, ostarine, testolone). In theory, this is reasonable because all MRSA are slightly different and have different molecular pathways. However, I recommend stacking Ligandrol on the muscles of the non-androgenic constructor...
  14. BobboO

    LGD 4033 vs Ostarine: Which Gives Better Results?

    Which one?
  15. BobboO

    The Dangers of Underage Steroid Use

    The use of anabolic steroids is prevalent in today’s society despite their obvious and well-documented health risks. It’s also becoming more and more common for teenagers and young adults to partake in the use of anabolic steroids in order to conform to the exaggerated male stereotype that is...