S4 (Andarine) Review & Stack Options


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S4 (Andarine) was one of the earliest SARMs. S-4 has been one of the more tested SARMs, but it***8217;s proven to not be quite as effective as some newer ones***8212;plus it has given some varying side effects, such as loss of nighttime vision, that other SARMs don***8217;t seem to give. But with any kind of hormonal supplement comes risk. Each of these products is still under testing phases and have not yet been officially approved, but are giving scientists and medical professionals a lot of hope as not only a safer option to help with muscle degeneration, but also an impressive agent to aid workouts.

Stack With S4
S4 is one of the most used and tested SARMs out there, but it seems to work its best when paired with another SARM for optimal efficiency. It can be paired easily with MK-2866 and LGD-4033, but this combination in higher doses can cause testosterone to be suppressed more than wanted.