Recent content by brooklyn185

  1. B

    properly dosing Deca 250mg into two pins totaling 400mg ew

    Also, my cycle goal is a lean bulk. I am 48, 6' and currently 210. Been as heavy as 230 on cycle but live between 205-215. I have never used Mast but that is what I am most excited to try.
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    properly dosing Deca 250mg into two pins totaling 400mg ew

    Thanks guys, you simplified this for me! I plan on starting this mid March; after blood work is complete on the March 3rd I am excited to start this cycle and would be happy to log my progress. Would i do this on this page or would it be more appropriate somewhere else? I am also considering...
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    properly dosing Deca 250mg into two pins totaling 400mg ew

    ok, i am not the brightest when it comes to dosing properly; i guess that is why i usually keep it simple. I will be starting a 14 week test E 250mg (500 ew), Mast E 200mg (400 ew) and Deca 250mg (400 ew). My issues is, how do I properly dose that amount when the Deca is 250? Would it be .08?
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    Why do we lose gains after cycle?

    Thanks for all the replies guys. Sorry for the hit and run but i was driving back home from a work trip. I am very satisfied with my results and do feel that i have kept most muscle, especially when i look in the mirror. I know i have lost a small amount of size as the shirt sleeve is not...
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    Why do we lose gains after cycle?

    Dont kill me but i am no expert. I have however had decent results on cycle. Last 12 week cycle was typical: test e 500 ew, deca 400 ew, dbol week 1-5. Hcg and aromisin throughout...just finished 4 weeks pct with clomid and nolva. I started cycle at 200 and finished at 229. I now wiegh...
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    3rd cycle, opinions welcomed as I am considering adrol-dbol mix

    Honestly, because I have 1 vial on hand. Thought about getting the test flowing early. I have never used a short ester but have seen many posts where they start with one to getting things moving while they wait on the Test E to kick in.
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    3rd cycle, opinions welcomed as I am considering adrol-dbol mix

    I agree, that is why i was going down to 6 weeks at 50mg ed. I had bloods done weeks (cant remember exactly but it was 6 weeks) after my last cycle/pct and everything but my FSH was in range, and that was only slightly high. My free test was 491. Lipids were well within range...
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    3rd cycle, opinions welcomed as I am considering adrol-dbol mix

    Thanks all! Like i said, i was not sold on the mix - actually leaning against it. This is why i posted up to see if anyone had a stronger opinion one way or another. I had just read lower doses if each worked well together... I am dropping the adrol and upping the dbol to 50mg week 1-6. Hiw...
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    3rd cycle, opinions welcomed as I am considering adrol-dbol mix

    Thjs will be my 3rd cycle in the past three years. 1st was test E only, 2nd was Test E, deca, dbol. No sides as my AI was kept on point. Good results overall... The cycle i am considering is as followes: Sust 500 pw - week 1-2 (kickstart) Test E 500 pw - week 1-14 Deca 400 pw - week 1-12 Dbol...
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    getting blood work on Tuesday...need advise

    Thanks guys! I am postponing my blood work with the doctor and will get bloods on my own first. It was 4 weeks after my last pin of deca and 2 after test that I started PCT. My test was 600pw and deca was 400pw. Anyone recommend additional PCT? I am functioning in the bedroom with some...
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    getting blood work on Tuesday...need advise

    Third cycle and PCT just finished one week ago. Cycle consisted of Test E 1-16, Deca 1-14, Aromasin 12.5 eod. PCT was typical Clomid and Nolva for 4 weeks. Since mid PCT, my libido has been in the because while on cycle and before I was off the chain. I have pre-scheduled...
  12. B

    taking 60mg of anavar, how to break up through day with crazy schedule

    So i am on the tail end of a test e, deca cycle and finishing off with 5 weeks of anavar. The tablets are 20mg and I am taking 60mg ed. My question is: How important is the timing of each dose assuming you were splitting them up throughout the day? The reason I ask, ideally, i would like to...
  13. B

    starting a new cycle but have shoulder issues....

    So I had the surgery in March and everything went pretty well. The recovery has been longer than expected. I am done with PT and have been released by the Dr. I have been back in the gym, albeit lighter weight and fewer sets. Some movements still offer discomfort so I just won't do those. I...
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    starting a new cycle but have shoulder issues....

    update: Been away awhile since having the shoulder surgery back in March. I have completed physical therapy and started very light workouts within reason. I hope to start my cycle around August (Dr supposed to release me on 7/13) but was thinking about running Clen for a few weeks before I...
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    starting a new cycle but have shoulder issues....

    I just ordered some TB500...hope it helps as it indicates. Any suggestions on how to use? Dosage, application, etc... Also, originally was going to wait until March to run this cycle but considered starting early because my shoulder feels okay right now (likely with the help of the...