Recent content by chocolatemilk

  1. chocolatemilk

    Post Cycle and Unleashed Exclusive to Need to Build Muscle!!!

    very nice ingredients.... sweet combo to boost T and detox the body after roid usage price is on point too
  2. chocolatemilk

    Forma Stanzo

    true that i always titrate SERM and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) against each other like this
  3. chocolatemilk

    Hydrolyzed whey?

    Yea I don't buy it too often due to the price Currently using isolation by brutal alchemy and it mixes so smooth and tastes great
  4. chocolatemilk

    The TASTIEST protein powder on the market

    They had ice cream sandwich a while ago was fucking bomb
  5. chocolatemilk

    Who has tried n2bulk??

    How did he use it solo? Planing to use it on my SD kickstart next cycle yeah buddy
  6. chocolatemilk

    Forma Stanzo

    Any change to diet? Routine? Steroids? Generally yea you will lose some water weight and have a dry grainy look on forma
  7. chocolatemilk

    GEAR!!! Need to build Muscle reps!!!

    I didn't know this that's fucked up
  8. chocolatemilk

    Atomic Tabs coming to orbit

    I tried a sample and was pleased... Good shit
  9. chocolatemilk

    BRIDGE: The Muscle Maintenance Supplement!

    I've heard that before. Seems like I'd run through the bottle quick Maybe half hcgen dose plus half bridge dose everyday is what I'd like to try
  10. chocolatemilk

    Farewell to 1,3. Lets brainstorm!

    There are plenty of stim molecules made in china just ready to be sold here... I'm not too concerned
  11. chocolatemilk

    Hydrolyzed whey?

    It really is and I hate to admit it lol
  12. chocolatemilk

    BRIDGE: The Muscle Maintenance Supplement!

    Cassis Grandis its in gear gives some really nice pumps over time from blood flow stimulation
  13. chocolatemilk


    I love adderall But whenever I use it for a couple weeks i know imma drop 10lbs and a lot of it muscle Never tried adderllin
  14. chocolatemilk

    Beastdrol Does it cause hair loss?

    If you are prone it might accelerate hair lose. Just comb your hair daily, if you're shedding, stop right away. Nizoral and n2shampoo should help