Recent content by ColSanders

  1. ColSanders

    Home Brew EQ Help

    if its a base and has no ester would it be able to be made into a oral?
  2. ColSanders

    Home Brew EQ Help

    Thanks bro!
  3. ColSanders

    Home Brew EQ Help

    so it turns out my supplier sent me Boldenone base!!! no ester at all!!! Crappy!!! Is there anything that I can do with this? I hear that suspension is very bad... would trans-dermal work well? if so what is the recipe for it?
  4. ColSanders

    Home Brew EQ Help

    Thanks user... I will double check that, I am also going to double check the ester form the supplier.
  5. ColSanders

    Home Brew EQ Help

    You Effing moron that has to be the most brainless response I have ever seen on this board! Anyone that knows how to use their brain and not only their cock care to respond...
  6. ColSanders

    Home Brew EQ Help

    I have home brewed a number of different compounds now with success each time. I just tried brewing some Boldenone for the first time cooked it up to 168c oil went clear but every time it started to cool it would crash?!? I followed Dtones Recipes to the letter for 300 EQ. Just cant keep it...
  7. ColSanders

    Sore Joints!?!

    I'm sorry I forgot to add in that I have been taking HGH 3 iu's for the past 5mo... I would be open to other peptides if there was something that helps with joints! I think I'm gunna start with lowering my Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and see where that takes me
  8. ColSanders

    Sore Joints!?!

    I am 39yrs old in the middle of a cutting cycle been on a diet that 3J has built for me and its been going very well. My cycle is: 150m of Test E x2 a week and 400m of primo x2 a week. Im taking 500 iu's of hCG x2 a week and 25m of exemestane a day. I have never had joint problems in the past...
  9. ColSanders

    T3 Question

    anyone else have any experience with T3?
  10. ColSanders

    T3 Question

    Thanks 24!!! good info here
  11. ColSanders

    T3 Question

    When running T3 is there a better time during the day to take it or is anytime about the same? How long do most T3 cycles last? is there a saturation dose? Sorry for all the questions... just wanting to do my home work first!
  12. ColSanders

    Pain above knee?

    Bro... this happened to me just a few weeks ago... it started to hurt so bad it was hard to walk. Its like the gear moved over from the injection site to right above my knee cap. I went to the Dr, got xrays and all he said was to take Ibuprofen. It did help. no worries bro it will go away just...
  13. ColSanders

    hcg without bac water

    can you order benzyl alcohol? If so you can make it yourself...
  14. ColSanders

    hcg for women, how much?

    ^^^ Agreed! IMO peptides are a great Alternative to gear for women!