Recent content by davidbb

  1. D

    do I need to get this checked out??

    I had a similar situation a couple of months ago, turns out I had a chest infection, my heart was working overtime because it was not getting enough oxygen, get it checked out tohugh as it could be any number of things, from something as simple as a chest infetion which needs anti-biotics to...
  2. D

    whats the best foods to bulk up, and put on size??

    cheese omelettes, 3-4 whole eggs, 50g of cheese, some herbs and some tomato paste. Yummy!
  3. D

    Dbol's - When to take them?

    If your using an injectable then all at once is better IMO
  4. D

    Best steroid for 1 month period?

    I know rugby players here in the UK that run tren acetate and anavar for 4-6wks during the off-season, their anavar dosages are on the high side 50mg+ daily and can get expensive, they only usually gain 5 or 6lbs though
  5. D

    Steroids in 3.5 ml Sachet

    I've never used them myself, but i've heard some guys sterile filter them into vials for storage anyway. Maybe some one with experience on this can point you in the right direction
  6. D

    first cycle test E

    I honestly think you should quit your cycle now, and do a little more reading first. 500mg of test is a decent starter cycle, but there is far more to it, you need a good post cycle therapy (pct) plan, contigency if you suffer with excess water or gyno (this varies greatly with each individual...
  7. D

    Good info about T4

    good info, thanks :)
  8. D

    first cycle help/opinions

    If you don't buy the Winstrol (winny) then you can afford the prop, however if you already have them, then you are stuck, unless a gym buddy will do a swap. As for training a 2on 1off split is good and gives plenty of recuperation split it up like this chest/biceps back shoulders/triceps legs...