Recent content by derdog909

  1. D

    Is my gear legit? Vets please

    If its UG then its prbly underdosed but its not fake All that water retention shows theres definitely some test in there
  2. D

    Test E - 500mg/15wks vs 750mgs/10wks

    Longer one is better
  3. D

    What do you think of this cycle?

    beastdrol = superdrol Do not run it imo. I have ran it before. Its not bad for size and strength but you will hate life while youre on it. gnarly back pumps and you constantly feel sick/crappy
  4. D

    What Sale Would You Like To See Next From Osta-Gain?

    the next generation of SARMS
  5. D

    First Cycle Test E

    Ditch the Nolva for Aromasin I personally think a mild oral like tbol could be used to kickstart a first cycle
  6. D

    Test Prop. and Equipoise

    bad cycle Run: Test e 500 1-16 EQ 600 1-14 aromasin 12.5 ED, maybe even 25 mg if needed bc of your bodyfat %
  7. D

    >>>>>>>>>Who Wants Free Products?<<<<<<<<<Looking For Testers>>

    count me in I would definitely be willing to post a daily log for a free product!
  8. D

    Aromasin on its own

    just make sure you dont drop estro too low
  9. D

    GHRP-6 (peptides)

    If I remember right natural GH levels start to drop fairly quickly in your early twenties. So as User said, after then you would notice more results
  10. D

    Primo dosage?

    Thanks guys. Going to go with the longer one. Its homebrew. Lets hope its the real deal. Doesnt look like the deca or the other stuff so we'll see
  11. D

    Primo dosage?

    600 for 16 weeks or 700 for 14? Going to be with Test 400 1-end tren 700 for last 10 weeks anavar 50 for first 6 weeks
  12. D

    Standard Cycle

    IMO get some clomid for pct and while youre at it pick up some aromasin and run it throughout
  13. D

    Different Anabolics Different Muscle Receptors?

    No. Different muscles just have different amounts of androgen receptors. Traps tend to be one with higher amounts. No AAS will target any muscles though
  14. D

    Tren doses with Test e

    I too don't know how true the receptor theory is thats going around BUT I will agree that running tren higher than the test has signifigantly less sides and thats the only way I will be doing it from now on.