Recent content by Filthyy

  1. Filthyy

    Does anyone have any RUI disocunt codes?

    Looking to pick up a few things and would prefer to do so with a company that supports the board, but a couple items are a little more pricey and I'd like to save a couple bucks if possible. Thanks!
  2. Filthyy

    on pct nolva/Clomid with cialis and clen

    How are you dosing the cialis?
  3. Filthyy

    A Question thats probably been asked too many times?

    Yeah the hcg is powder in a little vial, I mixed my 5000ius hcg with 5ml bac water (bacteriostatic) so every ml of water contains 1000iu, inject .25 ml which is 250ius You use insulin syringes for this injection and sub q injection, you can look it up, it's easy and painless compared to the test...
  4. Filthyy

    A Question thats probably been asked too many times?

    Hcg is just for test shrinkage, the arimidex is for gyno. Also take hcg up until 4 days before pct because you will still have highly elevated test levels. I'm not sure about 15 weeks, I think 12 weeks is was is most recommended for a first cycle. Here's what I'm doing 1-12 250x2 test e...
  5. Filthyy

    A Question thats probably been asked too many times?

    I think you need to learn more about working out before starting a cycle, and also learn more about how to cycle before starting a cycle. I am about halfway through my first cycle and if you're 20% I think you need to lose a good amount of weight before you start. I gained a lot of water weight...
  6. Filthyy

    Using the pad while you squat.....

    I use the pad and wear gloves, mmmmm silky smooth hands even in the winter Lol at thinking not using either makes you some kind of badass, brb sleep on the floor with rock pillows, fuck comfort right!
  7. Filthyy

    need help with hcg dosing midway through test e cycle

    you need to put hcg in the fridge after you mix it, or is that a myth?
  8. Filthyy

    Austinites acne stack?? Anyone help me out here

    THE TREATMENT PROTOCOL: If your acne is severe, for your first week you will need to frontload these compounds to give your body a boost in the right direction, after that we're going to move onto standard dosing and maintenance. If your acne is not severe, skip week 1 and start with the...
  9. Filthyy

    pain/knot in leg after injection test-e

    Delts are less painful? I've only done quad and glute because it seemed easier to manage a little pain in my leg than my arm which I'm using more often.
  10. Filthyy

    First Test E cycle... Blood pressure problems

    I'm running a nearly identical cycle to yours, except aromasin instead of adex. Just wondering what sides/benefits you have felt and when. I'm only 3 pins/1 week in, so I've yet to feel anything yet.
  11. Filthyy

    Just got back from the Red Cross

    So how many weeks into cycle would be a good time to donate? And are you weak for weeks after? I've only donated once before and I didn't feel great for a while after.
  12. Filthyy

    Just got back from the Red Cross

    If someone is doing a basic test only cycle is giving blood beneficial?
  13. Filthyy

    Please review my upcoming cycle and offer any thoughts.. Thank you

    I was under the impression aromasin needed to be taken daily because of a short half life. So to keep things from fluctuating take ed not eod. Probably be a safe bet to get more as 6.25 is a low dose as it is, may need to bump it up at some point.
  14. Filthyy

    Anyone ever take accutane on cycle?

    You guys getting face or back acne mostly?
  15. Filthyy

    first week bulk pics running test/ tren

    looking angry OP