pain/knot in leg after injection test-e


New member
im in my third week of testosterone enanthate cycle. running for 12 wks. i pin twice a wk, monday and friday. all my pins went smoothly...until my fourth. I pinned all in my quads, changing from right to left and so on. I took my fourth pin friday, and went to the gym later and did back & biceps. the next day later in the afternoon, i was having pain near the injection site. It feels like a big knot in there or like someone threw a fast pitch at my leg. It hurts when i bend my leg, and im positive theres no way i can go to the gym to do legs... im applying muscle rub cream on it and applying hot water too. Im getting a little nervous. What do you guys think it is??? any help is greatly appreciated guys. thanks.
Sounds like plain old PIP. Will go away in a few days.

Pin very slowly next time and try to have a steady hand.
Hit a nerve or blood vessel? Shakier hands this last time. Injected too quickly? Hit the same spot as last time? Who knows?

Delts are a great spot for pinning too. Four spots in your rotation is better than two.
no red spots at all and i wasnt really shaking my hands. Theres very minimal swelling.

You are fine bro. It's the name of the game. You just stuck a inch long piece of metal into your leg then made room inside of your muscle fibers for minimum a cc of oil. Your leg is not going to be happy with you. Give it a few days and like mega said, delts are a great spot to pin my favorite in fact. Just keep rotating you'll be good
You are fine bro. It's the name of the game. You just stuck a inch long piece of metal into your leg then made room inside of your muscle fibers for minimum a cc of oil. Your leg is not going to be happy with you. Give it a few days and like mega said, delts are a great spot to pin my favorite in fact. Just keep rotating you'll be good

Delts are less painful? I've only done quad and glute because it seemed easier to manage a little pain in my leg than my arm which I'm using more often.
Delts are less painful? I've only done quad and glute because it seemed easier to manage a little pain in my leg than my arm which I'm using more often.

Yeah bro it's just like getting a shot from the doc man. And don't get me wrong, sometimes it hurts but as soon as you start using the muscles the pain subsides pretty quickly.
got an update on it. there's some swelling now that is noticeable. the area of the swelling is discolored too and turning whitish color.
I've just had my very first pin of test-e into my quad - experiencing the exact same thing.

Does the pain / swelling become less prominent with subsequent injections? Or is this something to just get used to?
I've just had my very first pin of test-e into my quad - experiencing the exact same thing.

Does the pain / swelling become less prominent with subsequent injections? Or is this something to just get used to?

It stops. Virgin muscle doesn't like it. After a few pins you won't even notice it except on the rare occasion.
Sigh of relief haha. My thigh cherry has been popped, looking forward in future to more enjoyable penetrations.