Recent content by FoxOscar

  1. F

    Coming off after years of abuse

    I've been on for around three years. Mostly on test but I was on tren for about ten months (finished it about three months ago). Now I want to come off. My libido is shot and I've just met the girl of my dreams. I want my libido to come back but I would to keep some of my gains. I've been on...
  2. F

    Dropping the weight between sets

    Is it ok to drop the weight between sets (with a rest period of 90-120 seconds)? Here are two routines, which is better? 1. I usually bench press 135kg for 8, 8, 5, 4. As you can see, I tail off quite dramatically on the last two sets. 2. However, I've found that I can bench 150kg for 6, 6...
  3. F

    looking to add winstrol to end of cycle good idea or not

    I ran Winstrol (winny) for four weeks at 50mg ed and noticed some hair thinning. It didn't really do much for me by way of cutting, but my diet wasn't great at the time, in all honesty.
  4. F

    Do you need any steroid other than test for cutting?

    Nobody ever seems to use test by itself for a cut, but if you're just using steroids to maintain muscle mass, is there really any need to add anything else in? Why is it considered better to stack? I know tren and var have some fat cutting properties but var is too expensive and I don't...
  5. F

    What is the lowest does of test I can get away with on deca cycle?

    I'm 26 and have 3 cycles under my belt. I've never been worried about hair loss until recently when somebody made a comment on my receding hairline - now I'm paranoid as hell! Obviously, deca is very gentle on the hairline but I know test can cause problems. What is the lowest amount of test...
  6. F

    Taking xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to combat clen sides - counter-productive?

    DADAWG, propranolol is a beta blocker used my millions of people here in the UK alone. It is in no way, shape or form dangerous. I have a feeling you were thinking of Propofol, which is the shit Michael Jackson was using. Does anybody have an answer as to whether taking propranolol (or...
  7. F

    Taking xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to combat clen sides - counter-productive?

    have you lost your damn mind , thinking about taking shit that could kill you to keep from having sides from clen. NO REC DRUG TALK ALLOWED.
  8. F

    Switch from Deca to NPP

    Thanks for the info. This is my third cycle. First was test e and the second was test e tren e. I'm loving the deca. I was expecting a bit of "deca dick" but my libido is through the roof. I think I'm gonna stick with it for future cycles.
  9. F

    Switch from Deca to NPP

    I have enough Deca and sustanon for 12 weeks but would like to extend this to 18-20 weeks. It would be difficult for me to get hold of any more deca and sustanon at a reasonable price. Would it be ok to switch to test prop and NPP after 12 weeks and run it for 6-8 or should I try harder to get...
  10. F

    Steroid Myths 101

    Does that mean my children will be giants if I give them letrozole for 12 months during puberty? My dream of siring my own basketball team might come true after all!:bigok:
  11. F

    Exercises to maintain muscle while without access to gym?

    Generally, I do 4 sets of 8-6.
  12. F

    Exercises to maintain muscle while without access to gym?

    What rep/set ranges would I be looking at for dips, pull-ups, press-ups etc?
  13. F

    Exercises to maintain muscle while without access to gym?

    I'm going to stay with my bro for a couple of weeks and won't have access to a gym. What exercises can I do to tide me over till I get back?
  14. F

    Can you lose muscle while steroids?

    I've been on my cycle of 600mg Tren enanthate and 750mg test enanthate for around 8 weeks now, but recently injured my knee while squatting. It isn't particularly painful but enough to make me think it would be best to rest it for a month or so. I'm planning on running the cycle for 12 weeks...