Do you need any steroid other than test for cutting?


New member
Nobody ever seems to use test by itself for a cut, but if you're just using steroids to maintain muscle mass, is there really any need to add anything else in? Why is it considered better to stack?

I know tren and var have some fat cutting properties but var is too expensive and I don't really get on with tren. Apart from these two, wouldn't test by itself be just as good as anything else?
I will probably catch shit for this, but I believe that "cutting" vs "bulking" is determined by diet. So you can bulk with test/tren and you can cut with test/tren, whether you bulk or cut depends on what you put in your face. test/tren/mast is the classic cut & ripped cycle, but you can absolutely cut with just test. i know lifters who use test/var to cut and build strength without putting on mass so they stay in their weight class. another more expensive option (will probably also catch shit for this) is hgh/var for lean mass.

Are you a bodybuilder or...?
Nobody ever seems to use test by itself for a cut, but if you're just using steroids to maintain muscle mass, is there really any need to add anything else in? Why is it considered better to stack?

I know tren and var have some fat cutting properties but var is too expensive and I don't really get on with tren. Apart from these two, wouldn't test by itself be just as good as anything else?

test is enough imo

a lot depends on your goals

cutting and how lean you stay will all depend on diet, genetics and training. diet is key

there are compounds like tren, var, masteron, hgh etc(dose dependent), which can help you achieve your goals
I've done both with just test, but you will ofcourse reach a plateau in doing this. This is where other compounds come into play. You can only get so dry, hard, and vascular with test/diet cycle, same goes for bulking.
my cut cycle has test/tren/var/mast/ sometimes winstrol peoples cutting cycles arnt to far apart from eachothers. the best has to be tren/test/mast/var