Recent content by Gambit

  1. Gambit

    Low Ejaculations Volume from gear?

    so 3 months ain't a long time? Seems like long to me. But it happened like 10 weeks after my cycle ended.
  2. Gambit

    Creatine side effects

    Does creatine cause low ejaculation problems?
  3. Gambit

    Low Ejaculations Volume from gear?

    I ended my first cycle of Winstrol 50mg/Ed for about 6 weeks 3 months ago. But for the past 3 weeks my ejaculation volume has drastically decrease, to almost shooting blanks (orgasm still intense). My only change in diet is I've been on creatine for 5 weeks now (but I've taken creatine...
  4. Gambit

    BodyTech--100% pure creatine monohydrate

    How is Bodytech? PROLAB is cheap and it works!!!! PROLAB is cheap and it works. Need more of an endorsement? Hehe...never tried Bodytech. I've wasyed my $$$ on Cell Tech and NitroTech, both did nothing! But made me bloat, PROLAB/Creapure Creatine works. Its not gear but it works. :druggie:
  5. Gambit

    liquid D-bol?

    Where can you get liquid DBOL?????
  6. Gambit

    Describe your crash after cycle...

    Low sperm quantity. :insane2:
  7. Gambit

    BodyTech--100% pure creatine monohydrate

    Prolab is cheap and works great@@!!!!!
  8. Gambit

    Creatine gains

  9. Gambit

    Creatine gains

    How much of the gains on creatine is kept? I'm on my 4th week of creatine and I look more pumped. Is this all water? I've taken creatine before and I never looked this pumped. Probably gained about 10lbs. I am 5'8'' was 148, now I'm about 158-161lbs.
  10. Gambit

    Decrease in ejaculation

    I was only on the gear for 6 weeks. Its been 3 months.
  11. Gambit

    How long to stay on 5X5 routine?

    I've done it for 3 weeks now. When do I stop the routine or change it up?
  12. Gambit

    Decrease in ejaculation

    Does juice cause the amount of your semen at ejaculation to be low in quanitity? I've been off a cycle for about 3 months now, and in the past two weeks I've noticed my orgasms has been the same but the amount of shit that shoots out has been very low, sometimes only a squirt. Has anyone...
  13. Gambit

    First Cycle, Winstrol Only. Info/Suggestions please

    Bullcrap, I ran Winstrol (winny) alone @ 50mg/ed for 5 weeks and I was cut. I had that look right after a gym session before I took the juice. I didn't get huge but my muscles were pumped and Bf down.
  14. Gambit


    I did pills, it worked just fine. Screw needles. Unless you want to be massive. But all Winstrol (winny) does is cut you up.
  15. Gambit

    Winstrol and Joint Pain

    I had joint pains at 50mg/ed but it went away.