Recent content by GettinJack3d

  1. G

    Test E 10 or 15 weeks?

    daaammm 19 weeks thats too long for me lol
  2. G

    Test E 10 or 15 weeks?

    awesome thanks for the info. If i do make it thru 15 weeks then do the post cycle therapy (pct) how long do i stay off?
  3. G

    Test E 10 or 15 weeks?

    I am doing my first cycle of Test E doing 500 mg a week. I was wondering if 15 weeks would be ok, or if i should stick with 10. I am starting my cycle friday.
  4. G

    500mg test

    i will be doin this soon....cant wait
  5. G

    OxyElite Pro and Jack3d ??

    i took them both at one time i really didnt feel like it was bad taking them together, i just felt like it wasnt neccesary since there both pretty much fat burners
  6. G

    What Pre-workout are you using?

    N.O. SHOTGUN. good stuf
  7. G

    sore after first pin

    Its normal.
  8. G

    Protein Powders .... What's the Difference?

    And now i know the difference ha. Thanks.
  9. G

    1 3-dimethylamylamine review

    Yeah thats true. Gave me a great pump but i also had to get off it and go with n.o. shotgun cause im on probation lol
  10. G

    How much can you bench press??

    WT 195 6' Just did a max today 295. Cant wait to hit the 3 plates, 315. No cycle history.....yet :)
  11. G

    do deadlifts thicken waist

    Squats are very important. I love squats.
  12. G

    My Top 5 Lifting Routines

    I might have to try this workout out. Looks good.