Recent content by gotgear

  1. gotgear

    training is terrible

    id suggest going on a full body routine, perform it 3x a week, best way to get back into the game imo, im currently doing one myself as a matter effect cuz i was prepping for a contest for a while then took some time off now im back into it
  2. gotgear

    Potatoe calories

    thats rite
  3. gotgear

    Hydrolized protein tastes like crap?

    ya hydro whey is notoriously bitter but thats the price u gotta pay for superior stuff
  4. gotgear

    Good lifting, bad diet

    imo diet is more important than training, if u have a good diet even a bad training program will yield decent results, on the other hand with a bad diet even the greatest plan may do little to make u bigger or stronger as far as protein supps go they may be expensive as an absolute price but...
  5. gotgear


    personally i dont like to run Winstrol (winny) without something like deca or eq... makes my joints hurt too much otherwise
  6. gotgear


    for some reason my cyber-rights account isnt receiving anymore emails from the various boards i post on including this one... ne one else having the problem?
  7. gotgear

    When do testicles "reappear"

    by the time ur done post cycle therapy (pct) they should be all back up and running
  8. gotgear

    Training time?

    i think ur biggest meal of the day should come after training, so for convenience sake i like to train around 3-4pm so i can come home and have dinner afterwards
  9. gotgear

    Most hated exercise

    id have to agree with squats... is there any other excercise that makes u want to puke and pass out anymore than this one?
  10. gotgear

    How many times do u guys go Gym per week?

    ive just recently decreased training from a 4 day split to a 3 day split... i like this much better because ive got an extra off day... imo it doesnt really matter how many times u go to the gym each week, i mean if ur on a 6 day split training each part once per week or a 3 day split training...
  11. gotgear

    my chest is uneven, help.

    ive got the same problem bro... dumbell work is supposed to help balance out uneven parts best
  12. gotgear

    next cycle

    also id prolly start running anti-e's in about week three when the test starts to kick in and continue till pct
  13. gotgear

    next cycle

    .5 mg ed is quite a bit of arim, i highly doubt u need that much... for what ur running i think .5 eod would be more than enough
  14. gotgear

    Why where steroids Invented?????

    actually it was the german sweep that made the whole thing known worldwide
  15. gotgear

    Stackin Dbol and Primobolan Tabs

    thats not a very realistic goal, u have to do one or the other... and like Johnny B said, add some test