Recent content by GotThis

  1. G

    250/200/200 Test Cyp/Tren E/Mast E OR 500/400 Test Cyp/Mast E

    Wrapped up this cycle and loved it. The tbol kickstart was great, when test and mast kicked in libido went through the roof as did sense of well being and of course strength. I ended up saving winny for another cycle so this was a very basic cycle to get back into things. I stayed super dry with...
  2. G

    Opinions and dosage on Tbol ?

    I don't have experience with faked gear yet (fortunately) but I would not say Anavar and Dbol, in whatever varying doses you can dream up, will yield same results. Dbol is a wet compound, there's no getting around that no matter how much AI you take, this is from personal experience. I will say...
  3. G

    Opinions and dosage on Tbol ?

    I just wrapped up 5 weeks of Tbol, started out at 40mg/day, by end of first week strength up noticeably and most prominent effect was endurance boost, I didn't want to leave the gym after my workout. I would inevitably do a few burnout sets on whatever machine I found walking out of the gym ha...
  4. G

    250/200/200 Test Cyp/Tren E/Mast E OR 500/400 Test Cyp/Mast E

    Agreed... I have to imagine most people see how dumb his posts are. Here's pretentious... he's preaching to an educated physician about science :dumbass:
  5. G

    250/200/200 Test Cyp/Tren E/Mast E OR 500/400 Test Cyp/Mast E

    Update: 4.5 weeks in: Weight has plateaued the past week at 162lb up 5lb from start but each week I'm seeing more definition and vascularity, I'm thinking initial water weight is over and I probably have put on a solid few pounds. Test E and Mast E seem to have finally kicked in, strength is...
  6. G

    250/200/200 Test Cyp/Tren E/Mast E OR 500/400 Test Cyp/Mast E

    Not sure if I should update this thread once a week or if there is a separate log section I should use. I don't plan on doing extensive updates, just simple cycle feedback for others. Official starting stats 5'5" 157lb 1.5 weeks in: Tbol has kicked in nicely, strength is slightly up on all...
  7. G

    250/200/200 Test Cyp/Tren E/Mast E OR 500/400 Test Cyp/Mast E

    The reason for Mast this cycle is to see how it affects me beyond just aesthetically as I mentioned. I will make comparison to then cycle within this thread as I continue on with cycle. I never said I know better than anyone, just that something didn't make sense to me so I responded with...
  8. G

    250/200/200 Test Cyp/Tren E/Mast E OR 500/400 Test Cyp/Mast E

    No offense, but this makes no sense. Cyp is a longer ester and will require 2 weeks time after last pin to start PCT so why not throw in a polishing oral with a short half life to keep strength and intensity up and start PCT the day after the oral is finished? Also, 12+ weeks would be ideal but...
  9. G

    250/200/200 Test Cyp/Tren E/Mast E OR 500/400 Test Cyp/Mast E

    Great question, but no. It didn't help me deal with her b.s. but certainly didn't cause it. I have my s**t together and was quite a bit older than her, the agitation was mostly mental and didn't come out but could tell it was time to get off none the less. 33yo btw. Update: Went with 500 Test...
  10. G

    250/200/200 Test Cyp/Tren E/Mast E OR 500/400 Test Cyp/Mast E

    Ok guys, not my first go at this. Last cycle 50mg EOD of Test Prop and Tren Ace for 12 weeks to see how Tren affected me, loved the results just had to keep attitude in check. I felt I had to push myself the last 2 weeks on the tren as it was taking a toll on me mentally (although a breakup...