Recent content by GrownUp

  1. G

    Alcohol Swabs alternative?

    So vodka with baby wipes, how does that sound?
  2. G

    Alcohol Swabs alternative?

    Why not wet wipes?
  3. G

    Alcohol Swabs alternative?

    What can be used if you don't have access to them. Maybe wet wipes?
  4. G

    nolva and clomid ball shrinkage?

    why would they do that?
  5. G

    nolva and clomid ball shrinkage?

    Any more help anyone?
  6. G

    nolva and clomid ball shrinkage?

    So if this shouldn't happen, whats wrong with me? Does balls shrinkage happen from a really high dose of nolva and clomid? i'm only taking 50mg clomid 20mg nolvadex.
  7. G

    nolva and clomid ball shrinkage?

    Thanks for the help! I hope i'll be fine!
  8. G

    nolva and clomid ball shrinkage?

    Apart from a slight pain in my lower abs from my balls shrinking nothing else. Why is it just me that this is happening to?
  9. G

    nolva and clomid ball shrinkage?

    Ok after you come off cycle your balls shrink... i know. The problem is I didn't come off any cycle, I just took 50mg clomid and 20mg nolva together and about an hour and a half later my balls were literally tiny. I'm led to belive they shut me down. I know there legit products. Does anyone get...
  10. G

    I did dbol a while back for around 3 weeks, no PCT. I took 20mg a day for 2wks then 40mg a day...

    I did dbol a while back for around 3 weeks, no PCT. I took 20mg a day for 2wks then 40mg a day for 1wk. My nat production went fine afterwards. I got scared because after coming off my balls were like 2 pees but after that I was fine and they grew back. Dont know exactly my bf but I would guess...
  11. G

    Hey, you posted on my topic recently telling me that you cycled at age 18. I'm wondering how...

    Hey, you posted on my topic recently telling me that you cycled at age 18. I'm wondering how much did you take each week your first time? I would be very interested in knowing what was your natural test production like afterwards? did it get worse or was it back to normal? Please take the time...
  12. G

    Serious Teenager question - Help making a decision on using steroids

    This question appeals to people that may have experience with steroids as a teen or know of others that used steroids as a teenager. I am age 18, I know people that are the same age if not younger that have taken Steroids. Arnold Schwarzenegger took dianabol when he was 16, he is now 65 and...