nolva and clomid ball shrinkage?


New member
Ok after you come off cycle your balls shrink... i know. The problem is I didn't come off any cycle, I just took 50mg clomid and 20mg nolva together and about an hour and a half later my balls were literally tiny.
I'm led to belive they shut me down.
I know there legit products. Does anyone get this ? is it normal?

I didn't do a cycle... I presume it makes no difference if you just take it with the intention of getting rid of gyno.
It did get rid of my gyno (natural gyno) but it also got rid of my balls.

Anyone can help me?
never the opposite happens.
any other negative sides? maybe your body didn't respond well to one of or both med's is my guess.
Apart from a slight pain in my lower abs from my balls shrinking nothing else.

Why is it just me that this is happening to?
Your balls will normally fluxuate in size throughout the day. Of course altering the hormone balance in your body can make it much more pronounced. I wouldn't be too worried, unless they stay that way.
That's balls grew to their original size (and maybe even a little bit bigger) after I started post cycle therapy (pct), and stay that size until I cycle again. However, I DO use HCG prior to starting post cycle therapy (pct), so that helps...but PCT shouldn't CAUSE testicular atrophy....the whole point of PCT is to reverse it..
So if this shouldn't happen, whats wrong with me?
Does balls shrinkage happen from a really high dose of nolva and clomid?
i'm only taking 50mg clomid 20mg nolvadex.
Ok after you come off cycle your balls shrink... i know. The problem is I didn't come off any cycle, I just took 50mg clomid and 20mg nolva together and about an hour and a half later my balls were literally tiny.
I'm led to belive they shut me down.
I know there legit products. Does anyone get this ? is it normal?

I didn't do a cycle... I presume it makes no difference if you just take it with the intention of getting rid of gyno.
It did get rid of my gyno (natural gyno) but it also got rid of my balls.

Anyone can help me?
it does not shrink balls it helps recovery