Recent content by Hammertime1

  1. H

    The Estrogen Symptoms Handbook - For beginners

    who you calling an American sport?
  2. H

    Prop/eq dosage advice for fighter

    who are you his mother? let the bama do his cycle.
  3. H

    Any concerns or worries about doing a 2nd PCT if you feel first one failed?

    You guys can go halfs all day long, Ill take the full one like my current girlfriend, from Russian, shes from south east Russia so her eyes are oriental and she has the heavy accent that melts my heart and gets my Johnson at attention all day long. aint nothing like the real thang bros! (but...
  4. H

    My next cycle. Test, EQ, Masteron, Anavar

    dude, i bypass all that and heat the milk up with vanilla, sugar, cinnamon and a pinch of salt, bring to a boil, turn fire off, then add the oatmeal and allow to rest for 5 minutes. sip on it during the morning. add some banana slices for more goodness and enjoy!
  5. H

    Training sore muscles. Yay or Nay?

    when i was younger i used to lift when my muscles where sore. think i ended up doing more damage that good.
  6. H

    New Canuck Here! So Excited!

    Hi there another Canadian here thanks for letting me join up!