Any concerns or worries about doing a 2nd PCT if you feel first one failed?

so good to see someone whos responsible doing a responsible cycle, hope its going well bro. any sides? how are the gains?

Honestly bro, I been bit lazy... As per usual its the ladies keeping me busy :P
Meet this amazing chick that actually passes both wifey and mother of my child checks but she already has 2 daughters so I'm bit meeh but still bit interested.

A small update. I ran 500iu HCG for 20 days, about 10 days into it, I had to add nolvadex because I didnt plan on needing an AI with just HCG. Reason was the mysterious lump from nowhere started growing after almost vanishing and i chalked it down to a spike in estrogen and overall hormonal imbalance from last cycle.
I have breast cancer/endo meeting next month, probably gonna come clean and tell them the whole story how got suspected gyno from cycle and how tamoxifen citrate healed it and go from there.
Now i'm running clomid and nolva at 50/20mg ed, gonna add proviron at 50mg ed, got enough for 2.5-3 months.
My GH sadly runs out in a few days and my economy isn't good enough to add more :(

Anyhow... My ribs healed about 10 days ago, haven't felt them at all. been running good diet for the past week but havent done any gym at all. Only some various dumbbell exercises at home but bit limited since I only got 4/8kg weights.

If I wasn't so tired right now i'd def hit the local gym for a quicky but gonna go to bed early and take a morning session, yeh, that sounds like a plan, postpone it for another day while releasing dopamine like you've actually achieved something. Boss mode ;)
Honestly bro, I been bit lazy... As per usual its the ladies keeping me busy :P
Meet this amazing chick that actually passes both wifey and mother of my child checks but she already has 2 daughters so I'm bit meeh but still bit interested.

A small update. I ran 500iu HCG for 20 days, about 10 days into it, I had to add nolvadex because I didnt plan on needing an AI with just HCG. Reason was the mysterious lump from nowhere started growing after almost vanishing and i chalked it down to a spike in estrogen and overall hormonal imbalance from last cycle.
I have breast cancer/endo meeting next month, probably gonna come clean and tell them the whole story how got suspected gyno from cycle and how tamoxifen citrate healed it and go from there.
Now i'm running clomid and nolva at 50/20mg ed, gonna add proviron at 50mg ed, got enough for 2.5-3 months.
My GH sadly runs out in a few days and my economy isn't good enough to add more :(

Anyhow... My ribs healed about 10 days ago, haven't felt them at all. been running good diet for the past week but havent done any gym at all. Only some various dumbbell exercises at home but bit limited since I only got 4/8kg weights.

If I wasn't so tired right now i'd def hit the local gym for a quicky but gonna go to bed early and take a morning session, yeh, that sounds like a plan, postpone it for another day while releasing dopamine like you've actually achieved something. Boss mode ;)

thanks for the update. hope you can get that lump sorted out. man if i had a gym full of Swedish chicks i dont care what time it is i would be there in my speedos.
lol. but then again, hot blond Swedish girls are a dime a dozen round your way.
care to trade places?
thanks for the update. hope you can get that lump sorted out. man if i had a gym full of Swedish chicks i dont care what time it is i would be there in my speedos.
lol. but then again, hot blond Swedish girls are a dime a dozen round your way.
care to trade places?

I'm cheap so I go to the cheap local gym, they have a high end gym in the building next to mine but I already pay 2 other memberships at bodybuilding gyms in the city so dont really want another one I'll use at most twice per week.
Yeh, i'd trade places for somewhere warm bro... Like california, sun, oranges and legalized weed. But i think i'll retire somewhere in central america to be honest.
Love me those crazy latinas lol :D
I'm cheap so I go to the cheap local gym, they have a high end gym in the building next to mine but I already pay 2 other memberships at bodybuilding gyms in the city so dont really want another one I'll use at most twice per week.
Yeh, i'd trade places for somewhere warm bro... Like california, sun, oranges and legalized weed. But i think i'll retire somewhere in central america to be honest.
Love me those crazy latinas lol :D

there or the Philipines for me. love those Asian exotic birds.
there or the Philipines for me. love those Asian exotic birds.

Me too, currently dating a half latina, half asian ;)
I do like asian girls...but... I dont like the culture. Which is a broad general statement since I havent been to a lot of asian countries.

She also made it clear she wants a 6 pack to watch so i'm back in the gym and hardcore dieting.

My latest thing is oatmeal shake for breakfast, which is surprisingly good.
I take some frozen berries, whey, milk, tablespoon peanut butter, mct oil, vanilla extract and some cinnamon and blend it all up and chug it down :D

Currently on proviron 25mg, three times per day (75mg ed) and feeling pretty good.
The gyno lump is shrinking and got doc appointment coming up.

So all in all, its going pretty good.
Probably wont be able to run my cycle until late summer but i'll survive long as I'll drop 5ish% bodyfat and get some pump going. I wont be as big as I want this summer so i'm going for super shredded instead.
Here is my recommendation. I will start by saying all your goals are completely reasonable and easy to achieve if you take proper care with real meds ad test at least 2-3 times. Start off running IGF1-Lr3 every day from start to finish plan for 2 months.
HCG for 2 weeks high doses to get the testicles back to normal size and ready to produce. Then plan 1,5 months of low dose clomid and Nolvadex.

High fat, high protein, high fiber diet with plenty of rich veggies supplement multi vitamins ,Bcaa's minerals with plenty of rest and sleep. Test blood before in the middle and end and 2 weeks after the end. extending longer may or may not bee needed
Here is my recommendation. I will start by saying all your goals are completely reasonable and easy to achieve if you take proper care with real meds ad test at least 2-3 times. Start off running IGF1-Lr3 every day from start to finish plan for 2 months.
HCG for 2 weeks high doses to get the testicles back to normal size and ready to produce. Then plan 1,5 months of low dose clomid and Nolvadex.

High fat, high protein, high fiber diet with plenty of rich veggies supplement multi vitamins ,Bcaa's minerals with plenty of rest and sleep. Test blood before in the middle and end and 2 weeks after the end. extending longer may or may not bee needed

Pretty much what i've been doing minus the igf1-lr3,
Blasted 500iu hcg ed and then did standard pct with nolva/clomid.
Me too, currently dating a half latina, half asian ;)
I do like asian girls...but... I dont like the culture. Which is a broad general statement since I havent been to a lot of asian countries.

She also made it clear she wants a 6 pack to watch so i'm back in the gym and hardcore dieting.

My latest thing is oatmeal shake for breakfast, which is surprisingly good.
I take some frozen berries, whey, milk, tablespoon peanut butter, mct oil, vanilla extract and some cinnamon and blend it all up and chug it down :D

Currently on proviron 25mg, three times per day (75mg ed) and feeling pretty good.
The gyno lump is shrinking and got doc appointment coming up.

So all in all, its going pretty good.
Probably wont be able to run my cycle until late summer but i'll survive long as I'll drop 5ish% bodyfat and get some pump going. I wont be as big as I want this summer so i'm going for super shredded instead.

dude, i got the Asian fever, and love the food too. and im always horny after having sex an hour later. just saying.
The half asian, half russian girl for sure. The latina chick was nothing compared to this girl lol...
This is wife material and "shit, i don't deserve her" levels of "please be my baby mama" hahaha :D

You guys can go halfs all day long, Ill take the full one like my current girlfriend, from Russian, shes from south east Russia so her eyes are oriental and she has the heavy accent that melts my heart and gets my Johnson at attention all day long.
aint nothing like the real thang bros! (but ill take a half when the gf is out of town, lol.)
You guys can go halfs all day long, Ill take the full one like my current girlfriend, from Russian, shes from south east Russia so her eyes are oriental and she has the heavy accent that melts my heart and gets my Johnson at attention all day long.
aint nothing like the real thang bros! (but ill take a half when the gf is out of town, lol.)

Purely from a self preservation POV i'll refuse to get into breed of girls lol....
HCG for at least 2 weeks high doses to get the testicles back to normal size and ready to produce. let us know how it goes!
if I did a cycle and then pct and my pct failed, i would be pissed off at myself. i would do a power pct and pray to the Gods of gear that my system reboots.
if I did a cycle and then pct and my pct failed, i would be pissed off at myself. i would do a power pct and pray to the Gods of gear that my system reboots.

Why would you be pissed at yourself? You did everything you could.
As someone who did exactly this... My bloods showed that I recovered 100% after my first PCT but my dick wasn't working like it should.
In hindsight it was probably long lasting side effects of tren but what values would affect that, that doesn't show up in a full blood panel including female?
Why would you be pissed at yourself? You did everything you could.
As someone who did exactly this... My bloods showed that I recovered 100% after my first PCT but my dick wasn't working like it should.
In hindsight it was probably long lasting side effects of tren but what values would affect that, that doesn't show up in a full blood panel including female?

pissed at myself because i did not do my own hw and relied on the know how of my trainer who i thought knew it all.
pissed at myself because i did not do my own hw and relied on the know how of my trainer who i thought knew it all.

I'm conflicted because my first tren run was uneducated but my second one wasn't. The first one was by far better.
If anything, maybe be pissed you didn't buy téstkit for clomid and nolva and gambled your source is legit.
Because otherwise it you couldn't really do it wrong?