Recent content by Hockeyplaya18

  1. Hockeyplaya18

    Research, purchase, go hard, updates...everything in here!

    Hey bro, For the HCG, if your going to run it on cycle 250iu 2 times a week is the protocol for a light cycle. So if your for sure going to run it, thats what you should rock. But I really dont feel Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is necessary for your first cycle, atleast not necessary to...
  2. Hockeyplaya18

    Hockeyplaya18's FIRST CYCLE

    I sent ya a PM big guy. And Im about to check out your post. Appreciate it bro!!!
  3. Hockeyplaya18

    Hockeyplaya18's FIRST CYCLE

    Appreciate the support bud! I learned that I enjoy sticking myself with needles, lol... But in all seriousness, I learned how my body responds to Test (VERY WELL), I had very minimal sides, just bloat, and some extra hair on my back (Had my girl pluck it). For your second question, I would...
  4. Hockeyplaya18

    Hockeyplaya18's FIRST CYCLE

    GAME SET MATCH!!!!!!!!!!All done with everything, Feeling great, cant wait till January to start up my second cycle!!!
  5. Hockeyplaya18

    First Ever Cycle

    I think some of that stuff might be outdated....I would go with what I said.
  6. Hockeyplaya18

    First Ever Cycle

    I think you have Nolvadex and Arimidex confused, Nolva should be taken along with the clomid during your post cycle therapy (pct). Adex is what you would want to take during cycle and all the way through post cycle therapy (pct) at .25mg Every other day, if you see the slightest sign of Gyno up...
  7. Hockeyplaya18

    Hockeyplaya18's FIRST CYCLE

    JULY 2nd DAY (138) post cycle therapy (pct) DAY (28) GW-501516 DAY (15) Nothing different to report, just maintaining and enjoyin the summmer!! Dropped the Clomid dosage to 25mg ED And the Nolva to 20mg ED. Ill run that for 2 more weeks, then Ill be all done.
  8. Hockeyplaya18

    Tri blend 300

    Nice work bro, some day soon Ill be trying to make my own blends, YOU DA MAN!!
  9. Hockeyplaya18

    Hockeyplaya18's FIRST CYCLE

    JUNE 28th DAY (134) post cycle therapy (pct) DAY (25) GW-501516 DAY (11) Still feeling great, nothing really to report as of late. My weight is staying steady around 253, and my lifts in the gym are only 5lb's per workout less than they were while I was on cycle. Plus I take about 30 sec. to...
  10. Hockeyplaya18

    Hockeyplaya18's FIRST CYCLE

    In my OP a lot of things in this world cause cancer or speed up the process...etc. As for GW, I havent gotten cancer yet, so I dont believe it causes it. I feel safer taking it, then I would smoking a CIG, hahaha. How trusted of a source is that link?? Ya just never know with the internet.
  11. Hockeyplaya18

    Hockeyplaya18's FIRST CYCLE

    It may have helped tighten it up during the 10 day blast phase, but Ive noticed more change after the Blast Phase and during CLOMID/NOLVA/GW....But who knows for sure bro!! It could all be in my head!! haha.
  12. Hockeyplaya18

    Hockeyplaya18's FIRST CYCLE

    I dont feel to much, besides better cardio with hockey.. And Ive noticed less body fat around my stomach area, and I my diet has been kind of sketchy on the weekends, lol. So I think its doing its job!!! :)
  13. Hockeyplaya18

    Test and prop cut/strength log

    Totally agree with this, if you dose to high the first time you take it, you'll crash, I crashed at 12.5 and I slept that whole weekend away lol. Start at 12.5 see how ya feel, keep that dose up for a week or so, if there is still some bloat and you feel normal up it a lil, but Im thinking...
  14. Hockeyplaya18

    Hockeyplaya18's FIRST CYCLE

    Im about to check it out right meow!! Thanks Hurt!! Now Im just freaking pumped about my second cycle!!!! GONNA GET UGGGEEE!!!
  15. Hockeyplaya18

    Hockeyplaya18's FIRST CYCLE

    JUNE 25th DAY (131) PCT DAY (22) GW-501516 DAY (8) Continue to feel 100% normal, Im enjoying the summer a little to much though. But due to that Im putting the GW to the test, and so far it seems to be working, I ate like shit this weekend, and I havent noticed any negative changes. I plan on...