Recent content by intenselifter

  1. I

    Newbie 1st cycle help

    tren enanthate or acetate? what is "something orally"?
  2. I

    Second cycle

    this is a good second cycle.. you could substitute the deca for eq as well.
  3. I

    drinking alcohol while on accutane?

    when I was on accutane (60mg/day) my derm said it was ok to have a few drinks once in awhile.. But my liver values were also quite good.. I'd imagine some people would be advised not to drink at all while on it.
  4. I

    first cycle with cypionate help

    good decision to wait.. It would be highly unlikely to mke those kind of gains on 250/week anyways.
  5. I

    Feel better on cycle

    This is true, I'm very hairy with below average natty test. And there is a connection between test and dopamine thats why low test is associated with depression. I'd definitely get some blood work done.
  6. I

    First cycle test prop for 8 weeks

    If you get itchy nipples you'll definitely want to up the armidex and take some nolva. Although I don't think you'll need to on that dose of test. You could go with either 100 or 150 EOD. 100EOD of prop works out to about 400/week of enth, 150EOD of prop works out to about 600/week of enth. You...
  7. I

    Blood test results, what shoud my test level be at? (wk 5 - test cyp only)

    I'd say it's underdosed. There are guys in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) forum with the same levels on only 200mg of pharm grade cyp per week. Everyone is different but on 600mg of test your levels should be much higher. I would definitely bump up the dosage because judging by your...
  8. I

    10 Week Cycle useful??

    3k calories really isnt that much.. I can almost cut on that.. if your not gaining weight keep adding 250 at a time until you do.
  9. I

    Test-P to Test-E to Test-P?

    Considering how much oil your gunna be pinning it would be easier to stick with the test e at the beginning. You could still get a vial of prop and run it at the end while your wating for the test e and primo to clear though. The plan you set up for pinning the primo looks good. I've never run...
  10. I

    Test E/Deca with prop kick

    the prop kickstart is fine.. some guys taper the prop down as the enth builds up.. some dont. Personally if I ever kickstarted with prop I would taper it down to keep blood levels of test stable.. like.. week1: 125mg EOD week2: 100mg EOD week3: 75mg EOD week4: 50mg EOD A lot of guys just run...
  11. I

    Test-P to Test-E to Test-P?

    you'll definately want to overlap the test E and P at the beginning. Use the test p to kickstart for the first 3 or 4 weeks while the enth builds up then switch to prop at the end. Since your gunna have to wait 2 weeks to start pct after your last shot of primo you may as well switch to prop...
  12. I

    So how big of a change does one cycle make exactlY?

    as others have said there are a lot of variables.. but one things for sure.. the higher above your natural potential you get the harder it is to gain.
  13. I

    Test E + Test Prop

    prop would be a geat kickstart. week 1-4: 100mg EOD or you could taper down the dose of prop as the enth builds up to keep blood levels of test stable, something like. week 1: 100mg prop EOD week 2: 75mg prop EOD week 3: 50mg prop EOD week 4: 25mg prop EOD It would be good to run Human...
  14. I

    Sustanon 250 Cycle (2x week or 1x week)

    2x a week should be the absolute minimum. I used sust for my first cycle and did 150 EOD.
  15. I

    first cycle - test blend 4 weeks then test c last 8?

    2x a week would be much better for the cyp.. you dont have to stick the needle all the way in when doing delts but some 1 in would be good. He's starting with a blend that has long ester test in it.. test e or c doesn't take 4 weeks to "kick in" it just takes that long to build up to effective...