Recent content by jabeen100

  1. J

    What percentage of pro athletes use AAS?

    It depends. For example, in basketball, probably only a small, select number do. They are probably paint players and need the strength. But I see no point for perimeter players to. It won't help their drive, handling, or shot. I think hockey and baseball players do, since those are more strength...
  2. J

    Bodybuilder destroyed by steroids and HGH

    its so easy for them to blame the steroids, the media eat it up the public eat it up, but lets face it, the party drugs he took fried his freaking mind and they probably paid him to do this story and throw the spot light on the gear. Jabeen100 | Medical Jobs
  3. J

    How to make acetic acid?

    Hi can you tell me that How do I make 2M of acetic acid from using powder ?
  4. J

    shoulder impingement

    Well Rotator cuff tendinitis is an inflammation (irritation and swelling) of the tendons of the shoulder. Other common names: Pitcher's Shoulder, Swimmer's Shoulder, Tennis Shoulder
  5. J

    What is wrong with my Bicep?

    Your exercise is seems ok, your diet shall be imoroved. 1. You need intake more protein, min 100 gram per day. It equals around 400 gram of chicken breast or 500 gram of beef. 2. If you feel hungry, then stop exercise and take carbohydrate food, like as white bread or white rice which can be...
  6. J

    Ways to improve acne scars

    There are many cheap and effective home remedies for acne. Tomato slices, turmeric, papaya juices and home made face packs will treat existing pimples and prevent further problems.
  7. J

    Most addicting TV show ever

    Melrose Place...kidding!!! I can't decide if it's CSI or House.
  8. J

    Fitness models natural?!

    i guess its bad if you want to be a model.
  9. J

    How did u meet your wife ?

    i met my boyfriend when we at school. but we didn't start going out til we'd both left, were just friends before that (:
  10. J

    wanting to know about steroid use

    I know steroids can lead to erectile dysfunction or shrinkage and can lead to gyneclomastia. They can cause you to be bad tempered and you could loose control. Me personally, NEVER would try them but hey, its ur life.
  11. J

    8 tips for beginning weight loss dieters

    I want share here the key healthy tips. Which is fundamental for live a happy life. Get quality sleep. Healthy eat/diet. Exercise