wanting to know about steroid use


New member
is it possible that someone could help me I took tri decca 300 andtestonon 350 on Tuesday injected in to my shoulders my shoulders are sweld does the swelling go down help would be greatful thanks jacko1

you should stop all steroids and research for months before you do anything, read the stickies ( threads stuck at top) of this section> Anabolic Steroid Forum

yes swelling goes down if it is not infection.
you should not be using more than one compound on first cycle. (test)
you need to know about and be an an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle
you need to know abotu gyno
you need to know abotu PCT
you need to know alot more than you do, no offence. We are here to help so please stick around and learn.
I know steroids can lead to erectile dysfunction or shrinkage and can lead to gyneclomastia. They can cause you to be bad tempered and you could loose control. Me personally, NEVER would try them but hey, its ur life.