Recent content by Jarry199

  1. Jarry199

    Test combo 300, Deca 100 fast acting, Anapalon, Dbol. 8 weeks.

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate your opinions and experience. Its nice to know i can go to a safe environment where mates generally want to help you succeed in the safest way possible. Please let me know if this is the right way to run it, excuse my ignorance if it is still wrong, im trying to...
  2. Jarry199

    Test combo 300, Deca 100 fast acting, Anapalon, Dbol. 8 weeks.

    Thanks man, really appreciate the kind words, there alot to learn in life and i guess i learned that time is short. I have a passion for building and id like to spend my time doing so. Never know what the future may hold, more obstacle could conjure in the near future, got to live life to the...
  3. Jarry199

    Test combo 300, Deca 100 fast acting, Anapalon, Dbol. 8 weeks.

    Would arimidex be considered as AI
  4. Jarry199

    Test combo 300, Deca 100 fast acting, Anapalon, Dbol. 8 weeks.

    Thanks bud, all im trying to do is learn, so i appreciate the help, before i start coursing ill make sure i have everything in order.
  5. Jarry199

    Test combo 300, Deca 100 fast acting, Anapalon, Dbol. 8 weeks.

    Thanks for the harsh comments . To give a back ground I suffered from cancer from a very young age. It's gone now after 6 years of radiation and medication. I have been put on test since I was 8 years old. My body cannot produce enough of its own test for me to build natural muscle. If any of...
  6. Jarry199

    First Cycle, Test E Only. Looking for some constructive criticism

    Test prop is better for first cycle, Test E you wont really see gains, you need to stack it with something and run it for much longer. If you are persistent on taking Test E maybe front load it with Dbol to spike your test levels. My first ever cycle was Test prop 100, ran it at only 200mg per...
  7. Jarry199

    First Cycle, Test E Only. Looking for some constructive criticism

    Howsit Mate, To be very honest mate i think you are overkilling it with PCT's, for such a small course you would only need nolvadex if you running test only. Why not run a test prop 100 instead of Test E, much faster acting, you will get very decent gains considering its your first course.
  8. Jarry199

    Test combo 300, Deca 100 fast acting, Anapalon, Dbol. 8 weeks.

    Morning Gents, Stats: 21 years old, 80kg, 176cm - 5.8foot, BF 9%. Goals - Bulk to lean cut, goal weight - 88kg. Dietary - Min 5 eggs, 50g oats, yoghurt - Breakfast. meals throughout the day consist of lean minced beef, chicken, potatoes, rice. Dont do the veggies. This is my first post, i...