Recent content by jj341

  1. jj341

    Estimate your BF based on these pics.

    Bodyfat percentage? Can I get an estimate of my bodyfat percentage. I'm 65 years old, 6 feet and 172 lbs. I measured my bodyfat on a Omron handheld monitor and it registers between 14 and 15%. I have heard that these monitors are not very accurate. Thank you.
  2. jj341

    Foam Roller On Injured Muscle????

    I use a self massage device called the Theracane. Check
  3. jj341

    Hormone for Hidradenitis?

    A friend of mine has Hidradenitis. It is such a rare condition it is called an orphan disease in that not much research has occurred on it as so few individuals have it. In his case it has resulted in the growth of significant sized cysts in his lower back that keep returning after the...
  4. jj341


    I had Distal Clavicle resection along with a rotator cuff repair 2 1/2 years ago. My shoulder is still not right. 20 years ago I had a rotator cuff repair in the same shoulder and I was 100% after 2 years. No pain or anything else. This time I am limited in that the shoulder hurts while lifting...
  5. jj341

    Burning sensation in nuts after 1st week of cycle..

    I had the same feeling in my nuts after 6 weeks of Androderm. I found out my nuts were shrinking because my natural production was shutting down.
  6. jj341


    I was on the Androderm patch for 6 weeks. After the 4th week my balls were sore all the time. I didn't know what it was until I read the stickies and realized it was my natural production shutting down and my balls were shrinking. I stopped the Androderm and the pain stopped.
  7. jj341

    Ever hook up with girls from the gym?

    Hooking up with a chick at work is bad too when it doesn't work out.
  8. jj341

    What causes low free test?

    My total T is 410 on a reference range of 241-827 and my free test is 10.31 on a reference range of 8.69-54.69. I have the symptoms of low test. I'm 62 years old, 5'11", 175lbs. 18% BF and in relatively good shape. I work out regularly. What can cause the low free test I have? It's at the...
  9. jj341

    Chicks at the Gym

    The other day in the gym a fine woman about 21 was doing benches. She had on tight sweat pants and she was sweating. Her pussy area was drenched, like someone poured a glass of water on it. Never saw that before!
  10. jj341

    Can I cycle Androgel 1.63?

    I want to cycle because in September I was on Androderm patches and I had severe pain in my testicles as they began to shrink. My research here informed me that to avoid this I had to pin Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to keep the testicles plump. I don't want to pin Human Chorionic...
  11. jj341

    Can I cycle Androgel 1.63?

    I want to cycle because in September I was on Androderm patches and I had severe pain in my testicles as they began to shrink. My research here informed me that to avoid this I had to pin Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to keep the testicles plump. I don't want to pin Human Chorionic...
  12. jj341

    Can I cycle Androgel 1.63?

    My total T is 410 on a reference range of 241-827 and my free test is 10.31 on a reference range of 8.69-54.69. I have the symptoms of low test. There is an oil based sublingual Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG). Would that be effective? I'm asking if that would be an option instead of...
  13. jj341

    Can I cycle Androgel 1.63?

    'm 62 years old, 5'11", 175lbs. and in relatively good shape but I have very low free test and mid level total test. I was on Androderm 4 mg patches for 6 weeks in August/September. My testicles began to ache after about a month. I was told that my natural t production was shutting down and my...