Recent content by keiser

  1. keiser

    I got ultra-ripped on this diet

    very detailed, nice.
  2. keiser

    prop confusion?

    I've never heard of that.... are you sure its prop? 500mg/ml would be painful to say the least.
  3. keiser

    EQ dosage to use???

    Well I was just posting my experiences, thats all, not necissarily telling him what to do. Hopefully he can get many responses from other's experiences and then make his own decision... After all thats what discussion boards are for. Good luck with your cycle vballplayer
  4. keiser

    EQ dosage to use???

    I did get better results off creatine. Just being honest. Have you done 400mgs of EQ alone before? I'm actually citing my experiences & trying to help the guy out.
  5. keiser

    EQ dosage to use???

    My first cycle was EQ 400mg/week for 10 weeks, the results were not good, I got better results with creatine. EQ is mild. 400mg/week is a low dose, and should be at least stacked with an equal amount of test...... Or better yet 500mg of test alone for 10 weeks would be a good first cycle....