Recent content by LANCEA9847

  1. LANCEA9847

    Sources - Steroidology

    Re: Re: Sources - Steroidology red star has been around for what??? 6 years???
  2. LANCEA9847

    I Hate

    oh great apu:afro:
  3. LANCEA9847

    Pec Tear

    that looks like it hurt:mad:
  4. LANCEA9847


    i think IP has 50 mg tabs
  5. LANCEA9847

    Do ANYTHING POSSIBLE to work for a 6 pack...

    could you expand on your 5x5 routine please?
  6. LANCEA9847

    Bored during Cardio, any advice??

    i like to stare at womens asses thats just me sick!!!:mad:
  7. LANCEA9847

    Time flys when ur Juicin

  8. LANCEA9847

    Would you take steroids if...?

    i hear ya bro!!!! lmfao
  9. LANCEA9847

    How many times do u guys go Gym per week?

    same for me too
  10. LANCEA9847

    Training Music????

    get the fuck with that hip hop shit!!!listen to slayer and megadeth
  11. LANCEA9847

    What do you think of in the middle of a set?

    i think of a womens ass!that usually gets mw through it
  12. LANCEA9847

    YAY I'm fat

    try using DNP caps or is that not wise on a test e cycle
  13. LANCEA9847

    Test Vs Tren

    ill take test e anyday
  14. LANCEA9847

    How long does you pump last for....

    you all need to come to florida it was 85 degrees today