Recent content by Magnanamus

  1. M

    Tendinitis fix? Any items help longer term?

    I was having the same problem. Culring would aggravate the hell out of it.. and anytime I had a weight in my hand and my arm was bent I could feel pain in that tendon. Sometimes the pain would be so excruciating it didn't evn make sense to continue lifting..I was pissed! Anyway, first step was...
  2. M

    Gyno? Puffy Nips? w/PICS !

    It never ceases to amaze me how many threads I see about gyno that have absolutely nothing to do with aas use. When aas is causing gyno, it is due to aromatization and there's NO MISTAKING when that is occuring! Your nipples itch like crazy and/or hurt like hell and a VERY sensitive lump will be...
  3. M

    Big favor to ask the big guys

    You're killin me man! Please take those Arnold comments back lol..
  4. M


    You're right I saw it bad
  5. M

    Lump on my glute

    Do you inject slowly or quickly? This happens sometimes from not keeping the needle steady when it's in the muscle, causing tiny tears followed by inflammation. This tends to happen more when people inject slowly, or use their left hand (if they're right handed) because there's more movement...
  6. M


    I think this kid is fucking with us..."guy at the truck stop said it was safe"? People really don't have better shit to do!?
  7. M

    My one year transformation(with pics)

    I'm personally not a fan of it...Don't think it really does much IME. If this is a bulking cycle then kickstart it with good ole dbol. That's my recommendation
  8. M

    Advice Please.

    Put it this way bud, if you decide you're gonna take aas to compete at the higher levels (which is a decision you ultimately need to make for yourself), then you should do so with full acceptance of the possible consequences..You need to weigh the pros and cons and decide if it's worth it to...
  9. M

    Mixing two different compounds in one vial

    To answer your question, no, it is not a good idea to mix two compounds in the same vial. Drawing them into the same barrel from different vials for one shot is fine, but mixing them in the same vial will create exactly that, a mixture....not a solution. A mixture is not evenly distributed and...
  10. M

    12 week cutting with inside!!!

    Impressive results man!
  11. M

    Would i get better gains from superdrol or dbol

    In my mind it's not even a debate..Dbol all the way! I've never taken SD so I can't give you a comparison, but why put the extra strain on your liver with a prohormone? Plus, Dbol has been around for ever and is tried and true!
  12. M

    Where do you guys hide your Gear/pins ? lol srs question

    In my Diesel shoebox that says "for successful living." :)
  13. M

    List of things to do to optimize health while on gear

    Would you mind posting the research you found that backs up that statement? Last time I checked, the jury was still out on the long term effects of aas use.
  14. M

    how to reduce a bloated belly

    Portion control and water intake...smaller meals will keep you stomach organ from pushing out and the more water you drink the less you'll hold onto.