Recent content by malik123

  1. malik123

    test or sust 250 with deca ??

    changed it
  2. malik123

    test or sust 250 with deca ??

    man changed it
  3. malik123

    test or sust 250 with deca ??

    24 lifting since 17 i think. im 5.10 and about 11 and haf stones Cycle 1 - Dianabol only 50mg - very bad hairloss took a whole year for my hair to grow back, used minoxidil. Cycle 2 - Anavar only 50mg- Amazing results Cycle 3 - Test 500 1ml & Anavar 50mg Cycle 4 - Test 1ml & Deca 500 Cycle...
  4. malik123

    test or sust 250 with deca ??

    Hello to all just a quick one im thinking to run Deca but what shall i stack this with test e or sust 250 thanks and if anyone knows a good cycle they could recommend that would be much appreciated thanks
  5. malik123

    Boldenone and sustanon 250 will this cause hair loss

    do from my understanding dbol is far more stronger than test what as the rating for boldenone and sustanon 250, and if i got through test without losing hair you think i can get thru boldenone and sustanon 250 thanks and FL3X MAGNUM, finasteride makes you limp lol
  6. malik123

    Boldenone and sustanon 250 will this cause hair loss

    no idea what you said but im just asking something simple from all my past cycles they were all find but ive read that people have lost hair using sustanon. anavar and deca is safe on the hair anyway which is why i used it in the first place but im still unsure i did use test to see if i will...
  7. malik123

    Boldenone and sustanon 250 will this cause hair loss

    Hello to all hope your all good i need some advice so i decided to make this thread. if ive put this in the wrong section please correct me im new to this. ill make this very simple, im sure questions regarding hair loss has been asked millions of times but i cant seem to get an answer ****...