Recent content by mightyangelo

  1. mightyangelo

    Canadian doing blood tests in the U.S.

    Guys I live 15 min away from the border and another 10 min drive from the border to the labtest area. I am curious if i need any other documents than a passport and drivers licence to do the blood test. Do I need a American citizenship or any other documents? I wanted to get the lab done through...
  2. mightyangelo

    Have I messed up my future? (2.3gpa as a senior)

    Great thread to read. Yeah they do not usually ask for your gpa. I had experience with this in a interview. Some very high end jobs do ask so it is up to you to research that.
  3. mightyangelo

    who here does 20 rep squats???

    Man, 20 rep squats are the best. It is really intense and for some reason I can barely walk after. My legs feel like noodles lol. But for me it is very mental and I have to take every rep with positiveness. It really is a awesome accomplishment after you have pushed yourself to the max doing 20...
  4. mightyangelo

    Protein supplements - What do you use ??

    I'm using optimum nutrition atm. Always loved it and I get it at a good price!
  5. mightyangelo

    starting dbol, test E & EQ cycle

    Can you posy a review? The log was getting interesting.
  6. mightyangelo

    Frank McGrath.

    There are some awesome Frank Mcgrath vids on YouTube. He really has some inspirational pics.
  7. mightyangelo

    Could be Ovi time thru the playoffs

    Awesome game on today!