Recent content by Mr.Aesthetics

  1. Mr.Aesthetics

    Since the ban what to do?

    use the real gear forget prohormones more sides then gains imo. Trimethyl extreme gave strength but man did it get me irritable.
  2. Mr.Aesthetics

    Arms will not grow, still the same since last cycle a year ago

    Does he say how to get the pregnant gh gut also? yuck
  3. Mr.Aesthetics

    arnold wtf???lol

    This was around 1983 before terminator. They wouldnt let him take part in any movies unless he was 210 or below back then. "you did it! did you feel it back there?" Arnold. "I sure did!" Rachel. lol
  4. Mr.Aesthetics

    Arnold calls out modern bodybuilding and is pissed Cedric took 4th !

    Yeah I agree, did you watch the other link were lee haney speaks and has cedric talk on stage its cool. Arnold needs to put his words into action although he did say for everyone to call jim manion out as well. Dorian ruined the sport imo. Pregnant bodybuilders at the arnold classic 2015...
  5. Mr.Aesthetics

    Arnold calls out modern bodybuilding and is pissed Cedric took 4th !

    Arnold calls out modern bodybuilding at the arnold classic 2015 and is pissed Cedric took 4th ! I agree with Arnold 100% What is your guys opinion? Watch this also Lee Haney agrees with Arnold and speaks about Cedric as well and has cedric speak...
  6. Mr.Aesthetics

    Arms will not grow, still the same since last cycle a year ago

    I find this exercise got my long head of the triceps to get bigger watch vid of arnold taught lee priest this exercise below. Also i do ropes behind the head standing streaight head down like a french press works Do like 15 reps rather then 10 will make a difference drop setting the weight if...
  7. Mr.Aesthetics

    Geneza pharma tren anyone tried?

    Have any you guys try out Geneza pharma brand of tren enanthate?