Recent content by Mr.Burns

  1. M

    Baltic Pharmaceuticals ANYONE USED?

    It has mixed reviews on the UK boards. Here's a pic. It sounds like it's on par with Alpha but definitely not legit pharm grade.
  2. M

    Teso E Aburaihan Real or Fake ?

    I know this an older post but here's a pic of Aburaihan that was lab tested and passed. On the amps I had, the 'Aburaihan' located above the batch # was bold, like the one in the pic, and raised of the glass and the lot # and expiry date were easy to rub off. As well it reads 'Only Deep IM' in...
  3. M

    Is Turkish Primobolan a thing of the past???

    I should have phrased the title to my thread better. I know what Primobolan (methenolone enanthate) is, I'm just wondering why Bayer changed the name, and apparently the price, or if anybody else has any info on this.
  4. M

    Is Turkish Primobolan a thing of the past???

    Primoboloan Depot Ampul 100mg/ml Adlý Ürünün Ýsminin Rimobolan Depot Ampul 100mg/ml Olmasý Hakkýnda Here's a link to some Instanbul website. It's still the same product, they (Bayer) just seemed to have dropped the 'P'. I saw the original post on CJM, but cannot find anything else on it. I was...
  5. M

    Iranian Aburaihan amps Vs Pakistani Bayer/Schering

    I wouldn't trust Abu's. There's been so many threads on guys asking if their Aburaihan are legit and I swear the fakes are getting more and more pitiful. Go with the Bayer if you're going to risk buying HG test.
  6. M

    how hard to find legit test?

    Oh and I agree 100% with hypnotix. Try to tweak your diet to meet your goals if you have the discipline.
  7. M

    how hard to find legit test?

    Befriend someone who has an HRT script but who's doctor is pretty well clueless on the subject of TRT, so he never gets bloods done which means the doc has no clue if he's actually using it and after he tells his doc that his nuts are the size of raisins and inquires about HCG, the doc tells him...
  8. M

    same syringes and needles for different injections?

    Where abouts on the thigh? Outter yes, inner, no. Too many veins located in your inner thighs and you don't want to accidentally pin into an artery. Don't you aspirate? I always do ever since I believe I nicked a vein 10 years ago. It wasn't fun.
  9. M

    Is Turkish Primobolan a thing of the past???

    I read a post, with pics, on another board about how Bayer have stopped marketing methenolone enanthate as Primobolan Depot, and it is now called Rimobolan and it is alleged to be close to twice the price as the original. I'll post some pics tomorrow but I want to know if anyone else has heard...
  10. M

    British Dispensary "Anabol tablets " - Is this legit Dbol?

    From what I've heard, British Dispensary stopped producing the pink Anabol in 2011. Why there's so many still around, who knows? The BD tabs had/have a small imprint of a snake and an arrow. The company has a website but I'm too stupid to navigate it. Also on close inspection of your bottle I...
  11. M

    looking into first cycle need help

    I suggest you get over that silly needle phobia if you don't want your first cycle to be a disappointment. For me, and I'm sure most people will agree, testosterone should be the base of every cycle. Do you have a good pct planned out? Why are you interested in anavar? If it's because you heard...
  12. M

    Real or fake Galenika Testosterone depo ampules

    Why can't you? There have been plenty of bad fakes of Sustanon, Omnadren, and Primobolan and even Canadian Pfizer test cypionate where counterfeiters made obvious mistakes which gave them away. As for these Paper Label Galenikas, they're a bit newer and I personally haven't seen much info at all...
  13. M

    Genfina labs Canadian stuff

    Why risk it? There's a few good Canadian labs why not try them rather than gamble on an unknown lab?
  14. M

    Injured for to long need your help and advice please !!

    I have the same problem with my right shoulder. Every time I press I get a sharp pain in my front and rear deltoid. It's been about six months and I apply heat to the area, then a TENS machine for about 15 minutes, and then some very light weight shoulder exercises. I'm almost back to 100%. I'm...