Recent content by Mr. X

  1. M

    Test Year Round

    At 26 years old, I would hesitate to stay on year around. You've got your entire life in front of you, family, wife, kids. My guess is your priorities may change as you get older, and why f__ up your chances of having kids. I'm 40 years old, and am considering going on year around. However...
  2. M

    Letro compared to Arimidex

    Check out the profile here at 'ology:
  3. M

    Letro compared to Arimidex

    My personal preference is letro. I'm very gyno prone, and I've used both letro and arimidex. Letro actually removed an existing lump I had from a previous cycle where arimidex wouldn't. Of course everybody's body reacts differently so you should do plenty of research and Letro is harder on...
  4. M

    How many cycles have you planned ahead?

    I've got mine planned out for the rest of my cycling days. Keepin' it simple like always. 750 mg of Test a week. It works, it's cheap, plain and simple. :-) Good luck
  5. M

    EQ... highest dose/longest on?

    I ran a Gram of EQ a couple summers ago, along with 500 mgs of Test per week. I liked the look it gave me.
  6. M

    Men with Low Testosterone More Likely to Die

    NYCEE, you just may live forever. LOL
  7. M

    Men with Low Testosterone More Likely to Die

    Interesting article on Yahoo about how low levels of testosterone are linked to higher mortality rates? Think any docs would ever actually read this stuff and become educated themselves? Here's the article
  8. M

    If you could do it again?

    I would not have worried so much about the drugs and told myself to EAT EAT EAT
  9. M

    test only cycles

    Test cycles are about the only thing I run. I run Enan for 750mg to 1 gram. I'm happy with the results. Very effective and cheaper. Seems like a win both ways to me.
  10. M

    injecting through tattoo

    I've been wondering this myself. I've been avoiding going through the tattoo. I have a tribal cross pattern on my shoulder and I find empty areas of the tat where there's plain skin and shoot there. Kind of a pain actually.
  11. M

    Tren Cough Questionairre

    1) Calves are the worst for me for some reason. Everytime I shoot there, I get a cough. 2) Either Ace or Enan will give me the cough 3) I've gotten scared a few times it's been so bad, but I haven't stopped yet.
  12. M

    what happens if i dont remove the lump

    I've had a marble sized lump in deeper tissue under the nip. You could not visibly see it.
  13. M

    Whos Gyno dissapears.....

    I used to get a lump just walking past a bottle of Test. It always went away after cycle. Now that I've switched to Letro, no more lumps. Kills my sex drive however.....
  14. M

    Tren Cough with Enan

    I get tren cough from both Ace and Enan. I haven't had a severe case with Enan, but that could just be due to the fact that I don't have to inject Enan as often. My wife has asthma, and I keep her inhaler handy whenever I inject Tren. As soon as I feel it coming on, I use the inhaler and...
  15. M

    Seing a lot of posts on IGF, but is it worth the price?

    This stuff is expensive, so is it really work the extra bucks? Please post your results, dosage and whether you think it was work the money. Thanks in advance.