Recent content by NeedleBum12

  1. N

    how to dose t400?

    Snoot your such a newb ever hear of the search button :brownnose
  2. N

    My first cycle - test e 500mg week

    Well done snoot you do look like your getting bigger for some reason. Gym tomorrow?
  3. N

    Yeh im currenty a virgin being broke in on this site brother! Cheers for the recommendation!

    Yeh im currenty a virgin being broke in on this site brother! Cheers for the recommendation!
  4. N

    Snoooot! "Needle Bum Nolys" hows things bro! Was reading ur log nice imput bro

    Snoooot! "Needle Bum Nolys" hows things bro! Was reading ur log nice imput bro