My first cycle - test e 500mg week

20 years old?.. I won't judge, I've done dumber shit than gear at 20...But correct my if I'm wrong but you don't squat or deadlift?!?!?!? or am I missing something...Also from your weight and %bf you will probably have to bump cals up around week8 to keep gains coming

No you are correct bro I havnt been squating or deadlifting, and I know that I need to get those deads back into my routine, starting with my next back day. I shall start doing deads again. I stopped doing them after I was injured through a shoulder injury for about 8 weeks and never started doing them again.
Though I fucking hate squats, I've never liked them and I don't plan on doing them. Deadlifts will do me fine
Is it possible that I could be feeling some effects from the test after 7 days? I've been hungry as shit all day and I feel a bit different but I don't know how I feel different if you get me? Or is this all in my head?
Is it possible that I could be feeling some effects from the test after 7 days? I've been hungry as shit all day and I feel a bit different but I don't know how I feel different if you get me? Or is this all in my head?

It is possible you could feel the effects.
Ok so today was my third pin. I went into my right quad and everything went smoothly. Every time I pin it seems to get a lot easier. Seems like its becoming more routine now and not a big event of the week.

Also went to the gym today and took yóur guys advice, started doing 3 sets of 6-8 reps and it went very well. And still gave me the burn and pain we all love in the gym. I only was really able to do 4 exersizes for my chest though without a spotter. I do not do anything that requires a spotter without one as I don't see the point in lifting lighter weights than I can.
I also messed about with my triceps and added 2 new excersizes in which I enjoyed.

Wether its in my head or not, I have more drive and motivation in the gym knowing ive been injecting test. I love placebo effects...
Waiting for this shit to kick in properly is a bitch, I can't stop thinking about it. 90% of my thoughts are about when the test starts working.
I'm starting to question if its even going to be good and generally being paranoid about it now even though I know it takes another 3 weeks to start working. Wishing I had of got dianabol for the start. Though that's just me being impatient...
Did my 4th pin today, injected into left quad and hit a nerve, reinjected and all went smoothly.
Friend comments that I already look a bit bigger though I havnt noticed anything myself. Weight has went up around 2lb though this would probably be either my increase in food intake or from starting creatine supplementation
I hope to fuck I am... Yeah bro hitting the gym tomorow might do some benching and see if there's any improvements. Wbu bro? Lol. What time you wanna go at?
Me too bro, I can't wait to see ANY results, being 4 injections in and not seeing anything yet is annoying!!! Just gotta be patient lol
Just back from the gym, did chest + triceps, had my spotter with me for the first time in weeks so I did bench press. Managed 220x7 (sooo close to getting 8) whilst 3 weeks ago I could only do 5. Could this be from taking a break from bench for a few weeks and doing other exersizes? Or is the test working?
I didn't feel any extra energy though I didn't even do biceps today and they are more solid than I've ever felt them before. Feel like someone replaced my bicep with a rock.
Been doing 3 sets of 8 instead of mý old 5x5 routine too.
pin number 5 today, just did it about 5 minnutes ago, didn't even feel anything at all, newb muscle is no longer newb muscle :)
I've been having a problem with my arm lately that's cut my last 2 trainings short, numb sore pain after heavy lifting making my right arm useless...
Going to doctors monday to see wtf is going on
Hey snoot just give the test e time when it comes u will know trust me;) just keep lifting smart and keep ur lifts stricts, like I told u a while ago fk people showin off don't fall into that trap u will hurt Ur self just stay focus.
As of MONDAY 28th JUNE

Hey snoot just give the test e time when it comes u will know trust me;) just keep lifting smart and keep ur lifts stricts, like I told u a while ago fk people showin off don't fall into that trap u will hurt Ur self just stay focus.

I know brah thanks :) I should start feeling something within the next 10 days hopefully and I won't do that I don't see the point...

nice thread, i my self am thinking about doing a 10 week test e cycle at 250mg 2x a week.

Good shit bro, what's your stats? Make sure you know exactly what your doing before you start.

Anyway back to logging my progress.

Today was pin number 6 into left quad, becoming easier and more ***8220;normal***8221; with every pin. Seems routine now and not a big deal at all. Newb muscle completely gone, they know what the deal is now... Lol. Ran out of 23g 1.25 pins so had to use a 1.5, 21g pin until I can pick more up at the needle exchange. Imo the gauge makes little to no difference in terms of pain or anything else

On a side note I have started doing squats which I actually very much enjoy. Just focusing on getting form and technique right though, no serious lifting yet. Just been messing about with 2 10kg disks on each side of the bar
I think that I might be using too much test or something in my injections, I'm only 8 pins in now and it seems as though my vial only has enough for one more injection :/ if even one more...

How do I get the very last droplets out of the vial bros?
I'm on a test e with dbol and Winstrol (winny) stack (wk 1-4 and 6-10 so they are spread out) and when I finished my last amp on sat it was a breeze to get out. Just inject a CC of air into the amp, and stick the pin in on an angle, aiming for the glass above the label. Aim the eye of the needle down on to the glass.
I'm nearly 5 weeks in and their isn't much as far as effects go yet, I've gained 5lb rapidly in the past few days I'm guessing that's rapid water retention which to me is a good sign and a sign that my test is about to kick in hopefully.
I think, though it may be in my head, that I look a bit more ripped as of late though I'm not sure.