how to dose t400?


Getting 100dbol and 2 vials of isis t400 (200mg
enanthate, 200mg deconate) tomorrow.
I just want to know how best to go about dosing
this to make it 5-600mg per week. I know
deconate weighs more so less free testosterone
available, so I want the equivilent of a 5-600mg
test e cycle. Can anybody work this out for me I
don't know how to I'm shit at maths.

Just thought I'd throw in that my mate who is on
his first cycle decided that 50mg dbol for 6
weeks, 2x t400 injections per week and 2x
250mg deca per week was a good first cycle LOL.
Funny thing is he knows he's a crazy bastard for
doing this but doesn't give a fuck...

But yeah, can someone work out 5-600mg per
week for me, preferably by dosing e5d or e6d ect
instead of 0.8ml 0.7ml...
Please and thank you shitlots if you work this out
for me.

Fuck sake every time I comment it disapeers jesus fucking christ.
Right, taking into account the fact that decaonate has less testosterone mg for mg than enanthate. The ester of decaonate weighs more than enanthate.
So how would I dose this to be the equivilent of 500mg test e? Or close enough anyway. Would 600mg work out something like 540mg test e?
Why not do 1 cc of Dbol with .5 cc of T400 every Mon and Thurs.. This will give you 600/week.. Like Bigpappabuff said... Dont worry about IF you are getting equivalent amounts..
Wtf use talking about 1cc of dbol? Lol. I think I'm having the piss taken out of me am I? Ha.
I've decided on .75ml mon, fri and dbol for 4 weeks 30/30/40/40.
Pct I havnt decided fully on yet. It will be nolva at the least, perhaps with clomid (though I don't fancy clomids sides).
I may or may not add a low dose of ostarine to my post cycle therapy (pct) >5mg to stop catabolism, I can't make my mind up on if it causes suppression or not, some say yes, others no...
yeah man the conversion is only something within a few mg's , y are u so determined to find exact converison , it is a difference u wont notice AT ALL , just take the dose u want to take , if its 5-600 of test e , just take 5-600 of the t-400 , difference is hardly worth noting
Thanks for the first actual answer I've received...
600mg would be more than 500mg test e anyway so I'm not bothered lol.

Do estro sides become more apparent at 600mg as opposed to 500mg, I've ran 500 before with no trouble at all though I have ldex on hand anyway
id always recommend using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) however , estrogen is more of a problem then just the sides that u can see , ive gone up to 750mg even 1g of test an only noticed a bit more acne as a side , besides that u wont notice a 100mg difference in estrogen
Thanks for the first actual answer I've received...
600mg would be more than 500mg test e anyway so I'm not bothered lol.

Do estro sides become more apparent at 600mg as opposed to 500mg, I've ran 500 before with no trouble at all though I have ldex on hand anyway

Start with 500...100 milligrams could be all it takes for sides to kick in...
hardtarget could be right however , in my experience , ive personaly gone up to 1G without a problem , but everyone can react differntly , if this is your first cycle , start with 500 the first few weeks and then up it a few weeks in and see how u respond , unless u know how u will respond already . also deca wouldnt be recommended first cycle , its good to see how your body wll react one compound at a time , u will;enjoy just test only cycle results , however with deca u will need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for prolactin as well , im pretty sure if u run that cycle with no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) , u will have some problems
hardtarget could be right however , in my experience , ive personaly gone up to 1G without a problem , but everyone can react differntly , if this is your first cycle , start with 500 the first few weeks and then up it a few weeks in and see how u respond , unless u know how u will respond already . also deca wouldnt be recommended first cycle , its good to see how your body wll react one compound at a time , u will;enjoy just test only cycle results , however with deca u will need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for prolactin as well , im pretty sure if u run that cycle with no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) , u will have some problems

Not my first cycle bro I used 500mg before and got stung with a fake vial mid cycle which fucked everything up.
Deca? I'm not using deca just test and dbol. My testosterone is a blend of 200mg testosterone enanthate and 200mg testosterone decanoate per ml. Not nandrolone decanoate lol. I'm assuming that was where you got confused.

I know my juice bro, I don't need no caber or bromo for this one lol, just straight test and dbol.

I gots ruis liquidex (armidex) on hand in case of any estro sides. Bloat will not bother me, the only side I wish to avoid is gyno lol.
Then why were u posting on how many mgs u need to take of t400 to get around 600mgs of e? I'm thinking math might not only be your worst subject.. I posted this shit for u at the top meathead! Lol
Because test decanoate has less free testosterone in it than test e meaning it is weaker mg for mg lol.
I was being too specific on what dosage I wanted...
My bad... I'm sorry... Even tho im a noob around here sometimes the noob posts get to me... I'm on 3 other forums and one is family friendly.. lol
Not saying your a noob...
Lol I can see where the 2 of you got confused, its a bit of a complicated question and decanoate is easily confused with deca.
Tbh I was just being too specific with the dosages I wanted instead of just saying fuck it test is test 600mg will do lol.