Recent content by Oldskool954

  1. Oldskool954

    Honest Problem: Need help fucking up my sex drive

    They can do a year long deca cycle together. And post up dates of there missing sacks!
  2. Oldskool954

    Ripped in under 3 months

    I don't always talk to guys with swag. But when I do I order a large fry!
  3. Oldskool954

    How much is to much domestic mail ordered?

    Not Canada tho I'm talkin U.S
  4. Oldskool954

    Question about Test Prop

    I would have to say if you were to run the same mg per week e or p act I think e is like 85% as potent pure mg wise per ml as p. but if you ran same cycle e or p. e 12 weeks or p 8 you would have less hair loss on the 8 week. Less time test is converting to dht. I could be wrong tho hopefully...
  5. Oldskool954

    How much is to much domestic mail ordered?

    How much is considered a lot or pushing the envelope for being flagged? I've never ordered over mail but would like to in the future. Curious what you guys think? I'd like some vets to chime in as well. Thanks
  6. Oldskool954

    Question about Test Prop

    From my pov it is said that your best gains are achieved in the first 8 weeks that the steroid is being effective. So someone may do only a quick cycle in that way to limit shut down length. To get hpta working normal again faster.
  7. Oldskool954

    What is causing my Gyno?

    This isn't a doctors forum dude! Go see a doctor and get blood work done period.
  8. Oldskool954

    Ripped in under 3 months

    I swear people create threads just to get negative responses. Not even whole heartedly trolling just for some other unexplainable reason. If you want to mess up your body at such a young age there is thousands of posts on how you could do that already posted and beaten to death. Learn how to be...
  9. Oldskool954

    Finally Ready First Purchase

    Long term nothing really it's good for strength gains and vascularity. Also increase appetite if you are on a mass cycle and also helps with collagen for your joints. 400mgs-600mgs is best but for a minimum 12 weeks due to ester
  10. Oldskool954

    Opinions on front loading experience please!

    I'm inclined to believe you but idk it's hard for me to type my perception on half life and how the body responds. Could you be more specific with your opinion as to why it doesn't work? Have you tried front loadin?
  11. Oldskool954

    Urgent help muscle knot in my chest

    Stick sum test in it bro that will fix it jk good luck wit a fast recovery!
  12. Oldskool954

    Opinions on front loading experience please!

    Anyone have experience on this. First shot double the weekly dose of a long ester to get test working faster. Has anyone done this with say test e and felt it was effective? I've read a bunch of conflicting reports and the theory behind it is interesting. Thanks
  13. Oldskool954

    First Cycle. Looking for Guidance

    What is your eating and training like? you say you hit the weights with your teammates but not hard or very good. So why don't you try challenging yourself some more read up on routines and lay some out for yourself. I'm not saying steroids are not for you but they open up a world that can be...
  14. Oldskool954

    First Cycle. Looking for Guidance

    I'm far from a vet or a pro but test isn't really Ideal for cutting like you want. I'm sure others are going to tell you proper diet and cardio. I can't speak on cutting compounds cuz I've never used em but what your looking to do does not require test from my understanding. Good luck