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  • mate im mainly looking for fat loss, that is the reason why im adding tren ace to my cycle of test e and eq, which is 5 weeks down. i am currently at 17% bf..

    so will doin tren ace at 150 mg a week in 3 doses be of any use in terms of losing fat??
    Georgia, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

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    This site hates me!

    Okay testes 1, 2, 3.

    Aromasin/Adex is used during cycle to combat possible side effects such as estrogen?

    Clomid/Nolva is used mostly PCT to aid your balls in making their own natty testosterone. Because your test is so high during the cycle if you were to completely quit your balls could explode into a flaming fireball and cause 3rd degree burns around your crotch/penile area.

    Pretty close?

    Please work...*slowly clicks on submit message button...*

    I can not PM you because I have 52 posts and that is just not enough in this world
    as long as its not a shart lol
    hey i saw one of your post saying order gear on the net i just order some deca 250 of juicepump but idk how good its going 2 be or if it will even work but its worth a try......but let me get to the point how can you order gear online if u live in us with out getten catch im a real person even tho i have low post on the forum but im not trying to get you in trouble or anything but can u give me a few websites that might have some good gear that works and i can order and not get catch in the US thanks................................................................................I CANT PM so u can email if u want if that is cool with you
    So what AAS and peptides are you taking to loose that much weight so quickly? My wife is taking albuterol and hasn't lost much weight yet. Her diet is good, could use some more exercise, but can't loose much weight. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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