Recent content by Rosco FleX

  1. Rosco FleX

    Is there any reputable online sources for anal dildos?

    I've been gone from the forums for quite a few months, & this is the first post I see LOL How I've missed you crazy bastards
  2. Rosco FleX

    My First Cycle of Steroids Questions/Concerns

    500mg is where you want to be No need to taper off, keep it at 500mg/week until week 12 No need for Clomid during cycle, save it for PCT Keep Arimidex @.25mg/EoD up until week 14 & then drop it. Keep in mind this is a generalized dose, it doesn't guarantee you the same results as others...
  3. Rosco FleX

    Ronnie coleman' steroid cycle.

    I read an article a while back debating the issue of Dorian Yates' cycle. Someone had posted a cycle with some crazy ass dosages, claiming it to be his cycle. Dorian replied to these claims, saying it was ridiculous & that someone was going to end up fucking themselves up by attempting to...
  4. Rosco FleX

    is it true you cannot keep gains while off the gear?

    I've seen this topic debated countless times, and I honestly can't make up my mind which side of the argument I stand on. I guess I'm in the grey on this one until I gain further knowledge on the subject. I've seen guys blow up to 230lbs, come off gear, & shrink back down to 180+/-. But I can't...
  5. Rosco FleX

    Why does ejactulation feel better and better the more you do it?

    Yeap... Threads still as gay as it was last time it showed up in my newsfeed
  6. Rosco FleX

    How safe are we? How safe are our sources?

    I like that Anonymous avatar I'm honestly more worried about the security of sources.
  7. Rosco FleX

    info new cycle test enant + anavar

    I would never even consider cycling Test at anything under 400-500, simply because I value my money & I see no point in wasting it on minuscule results. Not to mention the legal risk you're taking just for smalltime gains that you can easily surpass with a trip to the local Nutrition shop for a...
  8. Rosco FleX

    Fucking inured mid blast...again!

    Took the words right outta my mouth. Good luck with your recovery man
  9. Rosco FleX

    Questions about proper use of Dbol!

    Those are some of it's cons my friend. High E2 isn't wanted at all. I don't know of anyone personally that likes the puffy bloat from dbol. Run an AI, as you always should, to keep E2 levels in check & everything should run smooth Keep reading stickies and recent posts. I've personally touched...
  10. Rosco FleX

    How safe are we? How safe are our sources?

    I got to thinking how easy/hard it would be for cops to visit this forum, obtain information on various UGL's, make purchases & make cases against these sources. I haven't begun looking into the situation too deeply as of now, it's just something I've been thinking about. Should we be putting...