Recent content by rowdybrad

  1. rowdybrad

    Home made gear?

    It can be underdosed. It all comes down to the persons skill, qualifications and ability to do math.
  2. rowdybrad

    2nd safest/easyest pin site

    Glute, ventro glute, quad, delts
  3. rowdybrad

    High blood pressure on cycle!! HELP! should i stop my cycle?

    I use niacin, red yest rice and coq10. Dropped 20 points total on cycle.
  4. rowdybrad

    Viagra!!!!! Love it!!!!

    lol, I got like 5 packs of the stuff and never used it. I will take it preworkout for my cock pushups.
  5. rowdybrad

    High Estrogen Levels?

    Yeah bud, maybe check privatelabsmd and get the 50 dollar test that will show your E2 and test level, hematocrit, etc. Could have some rebound, or you could have low E2.
  6. rowdybrad

    Does high dosage of primo blocks the effects of sustanon?

    It won't block the test, but you only need to run 2-300mg test a week with the primo. You can run it higher, but don't need to. You're primo is fine, be sure to track your bp, hematocrit, etc. Should be minimal change with real primo and low dose test, if big change it might be EQ or fake. Be...
  7. rowdybrad

    First time Injecting...what to expect

    If your "coach" wanted you to use Tren as a first cycle, he does not have your bets interest at heart. He may be great at coaching, but please DO NOT follow any of his cycling advice. I have anxiety, panic attacks, mentally fucked to be general lol. I stood there with my ass marked at the...
  8. rowdybrad

    Pinnacle arimidex

    You need to look more in to letro to shrink the gyno some.
  9. rowdybrad


    Like was said, it is capsules. I am using it with this Tren cycle and seems to be working great along with my mp anastrozole.
  10. rowdybrad

    wierd feeling after doing my 2nd tren shot..any know why?

    I was concerned about this, getting a decent amount in a vein at least, where it is much more than just Tren cough. I pin slow and usually can feel the slight burn if I go through a vein, then aspirate and pin. I hav been waiting a couple of minutes before removing the pin. Don't know if it...
  11. rowdybrad

    How to get the last lil bit out??

    I leave a bit of air, just flush with where the plunger stops and get the last .1ml in and no air afaik.
  12. rowdybrad

    T levels during

    Yes, lol. It depends bro, guys get 11,000 in the trough with 1.2g of test. I got 1470 os something on 200-250mg Test C. I believe you should peak at roughly 10 times your dose, 300mg = 3,000ng, 500 = 5,000 and then drops before next pin.
  13. rowdybrad

    Schwarzenegger says body building / steroids contributed to cheating

    I will say my last cycle had me big headed, feeling like all these chicks wanted me, etc. I can see how it would be tempting with hot chicks throwing themselves at you, but it comes down to you. I felt like I was missing out on fun and parties, but I never would have cheated, it's just not me...
  14. rowdybrad

    looking for good supplements

    I get the 5lb bags from costco. Tastes really good too, better than ON imo.