Recent content by smiley02

  1. smiley02

    Holy tren a waaaaat

    good luck have fun
  2. smiley02

    Pinnacle Labs still around?

    x2 my man.. whats up kane
  3. smiley02

    16 week summer cycle

    how r u? would like to know more info how old how many years u been working out, how many cycle u had??
  4. smiley02

    What is your favorite cruise dose?

    x2 whats up bro
  5. smiley02

    low test levels 5 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct) help!!!

    u almost there just wait a lil its really different form one to another ... just next time use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and AI.....
  6. smiley02

    low test levels 5 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct) help!!!

    yes sir u have to wait.. sometimes it takes time to recover... and it doesnt mean that ur time off was = ur time on that u should recvor fast in ur time off.. its really different from one to another... so just wait and give ur body the rest .. good luck did u use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin...
  7. smiley02

    Hey Guys

    10% bf very good at 252...... welcome
  8. smiley02

    Starting HGH Cycle

    4 iu to start with is too much imho i will start with 2iu the first week then i will go up every week till 5 iu then i will stay on it. 5 on 2 off but that just me.. good luck
  9. smiley02

    DAMNIT! AM i still GTG

    great keep it up
  10. smiley02

    DAMNIT! AM i still GTG

    no worries keep going... good luck make sure u eat and eat and eat ..
  11. smiley02

    D-Bol only??

    i like that... imma think bout it toooo:wallbash:
  12. smiley02

    axio labs?

    both of them r gtg u cant ask for a source info in a open forum