Recent content by st8k_lover

  1. S

    Excersises and Rest Times

    My standard rep range is 5 for core and 8-10 for accessory. I usually wait only until my two training partners complete their sets but i would say it is about 2-3 minutes for core. Last night we did a three way circle( hold the puns) where i did a set of curls and handed the bar to my buddy, he...
  2. S

    5x5 Journal

    Tuesday DB Rows 100x10x3 pulldown 210x 10x3 pullups BICEP close grip camber bar curls 80x6x5 different feel than the wider grip seated cable concenrations 70 to fail x 2 sets incline db curls 25 x 10 x2
  3. S

    Weighted Dips

    Hold a db between your legs, this is easy until you start to add some serious weight. Then it is time to get a belt and chain.
  4. S

    5x5 Journal

    Monday June Taking it easy this week, lots of volume with lighter weight push ups 2 sets of 50 Bench 135 x20 x3 incline 135x20 x3 chest stretches Triceps Skull Crushers 70 x 15x3 Tri Pushdown 70 x 15 x2 lots of reps really got the blood moving
  5. S

    5x5 Journal

    Friday Leg extension 100 x10 x3 Leg curls 100x10x3 Squats holding 85 pound DB's 2 sets of 15 These oddly enough do not cause me as much pain in knee. I think my biggest problem on bar squats is the weight is distributed "forward" , it that makes sense. Where as the db are held...
  6. S

    5x5 Journal

    Thursday june 5 Back warm up 2 sets pull ups DB Bent Rows 110x5x5 Lat pull down 210 x 10,8 Finished with wide grip pull ups to failure Biceps Camber bar curls 110 x5x5 Two hand Seated cable Concentration 70 x10 x2 Hammer curls 40 x 10 x2 ( Brachioradialis is very sore by elbow. Applied...
  7. S

    Have to lay off for awhile

    Man I know the feeling, I just turned 40 and I cant push it like I used to. Saturn is right, Take the time to heal 100% or a few months can turn into 6+ months or longer. A torn muscle/pinched nerve or blown disk are all possible if you push thru your injury and ignore your bodys signal to cool it.
  8. S

    5x5 Journal

    Actually Squats absolutely kill me. Had a torn menescus years ago and it may be arthritic by now. All I know is its like a spike going thru my knees when I squat, with or without weight. Funny thing I can do deads with no problem but no squats at all. So it is all extensions and leg curls ...
  9. S

    5x5 Journal

    No specific goals. Started lifting again sort of a New Years resolution. Been away from it for a long time. The last really dedicated workout program I had was 15 years ago( I just turned 40 last month) Workout is pretty much as needsize describes in the thread he has on EF. Tried DC for a bit...
  10. S

    5x5 Journal

    Dead lifts warm up 225x10,255x10 work set 300x5x5 Hanging High pulls 155x8x2 db shrugs two sets till fail
  11. S

    5x5 Journal

    Going to keep a journal for record keeping as well as motivation Monday June 2 Flat bench Warm Up 135x10, 185x 10 225x5 Work 285 x5x5 Additional incline DB press 85 x 10 x 2 Dips Body weight till failure x 2 sets Tricep Close grips press 215x 5 x 5 lying dumbell extension 30...
  12. S

    fave exercises/tricks to increasing bench press ?

    Try speed pushups.