Recent content by Strega

  1. Strega

    One juiced up Dog (Bullmasiff)

    Gullible dopes. Photochopped
  2. Strega


    "Took my wife to the clinic and shes preg." This single sentence says volumes and none of it good.
  3. Strega

    What music gets you fired up?

    Dont lie, you scrawny little twinks listen to Boy George and Barry Manilow.
  4. Strega

    Creation or Evolution.

    What??? Stupid??? I said that I thought all catholics were christian? It was a rhetorical question. All Catholics are Christian. I never said that all christians were catholic. That is what you said and that IS stupid. Dont get into a "my brain pan is bigger than your brain pan" pissing...
  5. Strega

    Creation or Evolution.

    I thought Catholics were christians? :Pat:
  6. Strega

    Creation or Evolution.

    Give it up AASynergist. He has no clue what you are saying.
  7. Strega

    Creation or Evolution.

    Go fuck yourself you moronic little piss ant. I have already answered you in this thread and you are so stupid you missed it. This is why I am getting out of this thread. I cant communicate with a fuckin retard that cant comprehend what is right in front of him. Most everything that myself and...
  8. Strega

    Worst steroid you have ever taken?

    D-bol is garbage. It made me feel like my head and neck were going to explode and I was in a bad mood the whole time. Not sure if the bad mood was from the d-bol or was from me being ill. Either way it sucked. The last time I tried it it was so bad I quit taking it 6 days in. The stuff is...
  9. Strega

    Creation or Evolution.

    I did explain the sermon. And all you have to do is look at my profile. Its been there all along dumbass. No white flag here. I'm just tired of watching you go in circles. My participation in the thread was an act of futility. The only thing I have done for certain is to remove all doubt...
  10. Strega

    Creation or Evolution.

    You're an idiot. Like I said, you havent understood a single thing. I present one thing after another and you keep going in circles quoting scripture and asking questions that have no bearing on anything. You have managed to completely lose track of what the thread is and it has devolved into...
  11. Strega

    Creation or Evolution.

    I dont have a problem with the concept of a non denominational "god" whatever that may be. I have a problem with people taking a book and making it something more than it is. And yes, I do think you are about as bright as a 15watt bulb. You havent understood one word that i have written. The...
  12. Strega

    Creation or Evolution.

    My god, you are a tard. Have you not read anything in this thread? I am probably the most conservative member of this board. I can tell by your post that reading is not a strong suit of yours, but if you can find the time(doubtful that you would understand it anyway) try reading: The...
  13. Strega

    Creation or Evolution.

    The world population is getting dumber and dumber. Stupid people procreate much more prolifically than smart people and as a consequence we homo sapiens are going down a path where will eventually be a race of retards. I find it humorous that Cak is using popularity numbers to justify his...
  14. Strega

    Creation or Evolution.

    I can see that no matter what I post, no matter how it is presented I will not reach a person that does not have the mental capacity of a rhesus monkey. You're right. we havent evolved. At least not all of us.