Recent content by stuntmaster

  1. S

    My first - whadaya think?

    thanks for the feedback. Wally - Im running the test for all 10 weeks, I just wrote it up to show that Im running dbol for the first 4. Any opinions on whether I should diet first or later?
  2. S

    My first - whadaya think?

    Ok yes according to my posts I am a noob here but I have been lurking and learning for quite a while. Here is what I have come up with for my first cycle. My stats 24 yrs old, training for 6, 6 ft 5 in, 260lbs, with about 18% bodyfat. Weeks 1-4: D-bol 25/mg per day ICN test...
  3. S

    anyone do clean and presses for shoulder mass

    Oh yeah I always try to do cleans (I do hang not power) during a back/trap workout and push press for shoulders. Believe me -- your traps will be more sore after a tough session of cleans than with any amount of shruggs you can throw at them. - and push presses are a great way to make your...
  4. S

    body part : once or twice a week?

    Just my $.02 but if what you are already doing is giving you the results you want -- DONT Change it up. The whole point of mixing up routines is to shock your body into growing/getting stronger again. IF IT ANI'T BROKE THEN DONT TRY TO FIX IT
  5. S

    Hello and a shoulder training question

    First off Hello to all - I am 6'5", 255lbs, 23 yo , w/about 5 years heavy training under my belt. I haven't done a cycle yet (Im still learning all the fundamentals) and I train on a 2 on 1 off cycle. Ok so here is a qustion some one might can help me with: When doing shoulder Db presses what...