Recent content by t-diddz

  1. t-diddz

    What to do after a dbol only cycle?

    I see guys on here mention CIA alot for sex... maybe your friend could use the CIA and AI? It is a good thing you talked to him!!
  2. t-diddz

    Well-being effect only temporary?

    Supposedly it will make you just feel better being on test I'm always told... sux for me : /
  3. t-diddz

    HELP! Post injection pain is killing me!

    I have had a couple of the guys say same thing that its last place they will pin because if they do they will limp for days. I wouldent personally know but it seems like a painful spot.
  4. t-diddz

    Winny or Var with my rui Clen or Albuterol cutter?

    Hey Thanks guys for your input. I decided on Clen and Keto + var . I just put in the rui order so I will start asap. Do you recommend taking the keto at the same time as the clen or is there a more optimal time for that?
  5. t-diddz

    adding anvar to clen cylce

    I want to do clen for 6 weeks. what is keto? is this like clen? I am thinking of using albuterol or clen, I am not sure which yet. Thanks! Good work thread starter! keep up good work! : )
  6. t-diddz

    1st cycle and high body fay

    I would say only use steroid when close to where you want to be. It is safer.
  7. t-diddz

    Winny or Var with my rui Clen or Albuterol cutter?

    Hi, I am female in mid 20's and about 130 5'6". I want to use clen or albuterol and an oral while I trim up a bit for summer. I am trying to decide if i should get Clen or Albute from rui, Which one do you all feel is most effective? also I am new to steroids and I see var mentioned more often...
  8. t-diddz

    Deepening of voice? How does it happen, gradually or all at once?

    did her clit get very big? Not a joke i am curious, as I have seen some photos where the clit looked like a penis and thats not something I want. Thanks! : )
  9. t-diddz

    Does nandrolone raise test levels

    What would a female use as a dose for nandrolone?
  10. t-diddz

    RUI Clen... ???

    I liked their clen, but recommend starting low if you arr new to clen. 40mcg is a good starting place. I haven't had an issue with them and they have been around for a long time.
  11. t-diddz

    how to create a cycle for you............

    thanks. this is good shit.
  12. t-diddz

    MAKE ME LAUGH Contest!

    A man goes into a repair shop to get his watch fixed. But when he sees that the girl running the store is extremely hot, he unzips his pants and lays his johnson on the counter. Sir, what are you doing? This is a clock shop! the shocked girl shouts. I know, he replies. I'd like to get a pair...
  13. t-diddz

    Final Week of RUI Sweepstakes

    PICK ME! It's time for me to make my first purchase from your store!! a Promo Code might help!!
  14. t-diddz

    Who wants a $200 Best Buy gift card!!!

    Sounds like a deal! Pick me!!
  15. t-diddz

    Free Best Buy Gifts, Anyone??

    I love the holidays! Always down for free stuff!